
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Me Too!

I spotted these brooches on TinnieGirl's blog a little while ago, after she spotted them over at Edward and Lily, and then I also had the chance to see them once they'd arrived in the mail.

So of course, how could I resist?

I headed straight over to Sophie's Etsy Shop and ordered my own..... she even made me one with my own custom label (I heart chocolate).

I was very careful not to rush and rip it open before taking photos of the most gorgeous packaging. I love taking the layers off and looking at the little tags and ribbons.

Thankyou Sophie, they're both absolutely gorgeous! Check out Sophie's blog for more of her amazing brooches, collages and artwork.


  1. They are really pretty. I like the chocolate one. And is that a bit of pink and orange that I spy together? Nice!

  2. Beautiful, and a new blog to love too - you got to be happy with that

  3. oh i have checked out her is vintage...and her brooches are gorgeous...

  4. Mmmm I heart chocolate! (and those brooches! :)

  5. Ohhh.. they are so sweet. I keep trying to resist getting some, but it's getting harder and harder!

  6. they are so gorgeous! I love Sophie's designs too!! and her blog is such a happy place to visit :)

  7. Wow! They're so pretty!!! There are so many amazing things on etsy. The packaging is beautiful as well!

  8. Ooooh, I remember seeing these on Rebecca's blog too, and instantly thought 'I NEED one of these'. But there were none in the shop at the time so I resisted. Glad you got yourself some broochy goodness though :)

  9. They are just gorgeous and thanks for sharing the wrapping as well-very specialyy presented

  10. these are so lovely and unique - i bought some too, cute gifts for some of my girlfriends!

  11. Aren't they the best! Soon there'll be a whole army of us walking around wearing them :)


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