
Monday, January 19, 2009

Sunday Arvo

What a perfect sunshiney day we had in Melbourne yesterday.... it reminds me of my favourite Brady Brunch song.

What better thing to do on a perfect sunshiney day, than meet up with some lovely crafty bloggy girls for afternoon tea. Megan is in Melbourne on holidays for a few days so it was a great chance to meet up (or have an internet date as we all like to chuckle about) and I also finally had the chance to meet Liz aka Betty Jo.

We had some scrumptious crepes at Breizoz in Gertrude St. I had chocolate crepes (of course), but I forgot to take a photo before it was all gone!

We wandered down Brunswick St to check out Meet Me at Mikes and say hi to Pip.....

....but we were too late, so a photo had to suffice for the day!

A big thanks to Tinniegirl, BugandPop, Betty Jo and Mellimoomoo for a lovely Sunday Arvo.


  1. Isn't it fun meeting other bloggers! You'll have to go back and have the chocolate crepes again (with camera) so we can see how yummy they were!

  2. Yay! Sounds like you had a lovely day :D

  3. A sunshine- sunshiney day! Love that song, and you are right, yesterday was pretty amazing. Hard to believe it's mid Jan, though, with what, 2 hot days? Weird.

  4. Sounds like a perfect Sunday afternoon!

  5. Thank - you for a lovely arvo. It was great!

  6. lucky girls. a day out in melbourne is a fantastic way to spend a sunny sunday.

  7. What a lovely way to spend the day with real live bloggy friends and a bit of sunshine!

  8. oh what a great day out that would be...i feel sad that i don't live in melbourne...

  9. I'm still getting over the decadence of that choc orange crepe.Woo rich!

  10. Sounds like a lovely day. I hope to get down to Melbourne one of these days so I can meet some of you lovely, crafty ladies.


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