
Saturday, January 17, 2009


Found at Vinnies yesterday for $2.
They're too small to actually use but they'll look lovely on my shelf.... so much for decluttering... whoops!


  1. Yes but how could you resist them .
    Clares Craftroom

  2. they are so cute - what's all the fuss about de-cluttering anyway?

  3. Oh they are just too cute! Great find! Who needs to de-clutter anyway, bring on the chaos!
    Sophie x

  4. One only de-clutters so one can re-clutter. They are very sweet. You are so good at finding oppy treasures!

  5. De-cluttering is totally overrated.
    My little unit is the size of the average family room in a normal house.
    You wouldn't believe my skill at finding a spot for a little something where there is none!!

  6. YOU... can make those into CANDLES! Yes you can! Do that! They are adorable and perfect for tea-cup candles!

  7. How can you resist tea cups? I have millions of them, yet stick to my trusty elephant mug 9 times out of 10!

  8. Very pretty! Too small for drinking from you say? I like Pip's suggestion about making them into candles, but personally would bake super rich chocolate souffle in them instead!

  9. Don't feel guilty, I know I couldn't have resisted them either!

  10. Vinnie's is a dangerous place. I narrowly escaped hauling home a totally unnecessary bunch of glassware today. That stuff is waaaay too addictive! :P

  11. They're gorgeous! Perhaps you could turn them into teacup candles?

  12. great find and perfect price...i love to hoard...and proud of it...maybe someone could come up with a nifty little pic to put up in the side bar for all us "hoarders"...

  13. they're cute, Cam! I have a bit of a tea cup obsession too.

  14. Maybe they should be kept to make Chocolate Souffle for your sister????...

  15. You could draw and keep a picture of them (and their memes), and give the actual cups back to delight someone else at the op shop.

  16. They're adorable. My first thought when I saw them...pincushions :)

    It's not clutter if it serves a purpose :)


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