
Friday, February 6, 2009

Love Fridays......Love Mail

I love when the mail man delivers pretty packages to my door.... this beautiful Itty Pouch from Lisa at The Princess and The Monkey......

I was soooo excited about the pending arrival. It's just perfect to fit lots and lots of my business cards (no more cluttering up my purse), and it was wrapped up in a lovely piece of fabric too!
Lisa has an Etsy Shop and a Made It Shop where you can find these gorgeous Itty Pouches. They would be a perfect gift for someone special.

Just to make the day even better, I received an email last week from Peta.

Peta's grandmother Pearl had received these tea towels from a friend who went to Malta. Peta had no use for them so she offered to send them to me. How sweet is that?

A huge huge huge thankyou to Lisa and Peta for making my Love Friday


  1. You're just getting all sorts of goodies :) So cute! The dishtowels will make lovely aprons.

  2. I just came across your blog and absolutely love that itty pouch! Very cute and very handy!

  3. Gee Curlypops, I just came to visit your blog and I love it!
    You are so very up to date with your blogging..where on earth do you find the time for all that fabbo creating?
    Thanks for visiting me too. I'm honoured.

  4. What a cute little pouch and a perfect idea for it's use. The tea towels are great - more aprons coming forth....

  5. I love getting fun mail as well.

  6. The pouch is adorable! And tea towels from Malta - that is a very niche item you've got there. Congrats!

  7. Ireceived some happy mail today from the postie too . Thankyou for my lovely skirt and all the little extras . How generous !
    clares craftroom

  8. Love how you keep getting sent tea-towels! They are all so kitsch and gorgeous.

  9. Don't you love the pouch, mine arrived this week too and I'm using it for my work business cards. I like yours, the fabric is really pretty.


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