
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Greenolive Goodies

I've been meaning to show and tell this lovely mixed pack of Greenolive fabric that I received from Martine at the Stitches and Craft Show earlier this month.

I've been dreaming about little projects that I'm going to make with it.....

My little nephews would love some appliqued t-shirts with the bike print. I've run out of vliesofix, so a trip to Spotlight is on the list for today.

I want to make something for myself with the butterfly print... but I'm not quite sure what. I'm thinking a zippered purse, a handbag panel, a cushion cover, a covered canvas for the wall.... so many options!

All of these lovely fabrics are now available in the Greenolive Textiles Etsy Shop.


  1. That bicycle print is adorable! I think I'm going to have to visit the Etsy shop - thank you for the link.

  2. I love Martine's fabrics! I was just re-reading articles in Mixtape the other day about her fabrics!!! These are super cute

  3. Wow, really nice. I can imagine all sorts of projects out of those prints!

    So much fun to have new supplies. :-)

  4. I love the dark blue bike print. I am working on something now which that would be perfect for.

  5. love nice fabric like these...i always hate cutting into these i just seem to sit and look at them for ages...wondering what the best project would be to make them into...

  6. ooo... the light blue with the bikes is yummy! U better come over to enter in my giveaway cam, since the gods smile on you so much! :)

  7. I love that bicycle print. It is awesome!

  8. I love Martine's fabrics - they are so quirky and so very different! I have the red bikes and I'm itching to make myself something really special with it.

    Can't wait to see what you make!

  9. thanks for the plug – can't wait to see what you make!

  10. I can see lots of goodies coming out of these fabrics!

  11. Love the new prints from Green Olive. I have my eye on the bicycles at the moment. Look forward to seeing what you make


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