Sunday, March 8, 2009

Guess who caught the bouqet?

My brother and his fiance were finally married yesterday.
The weather was absolutely perfect for a wedding.
The bride looked stunning in white..... my little brother looked stunning in his suit teamed with his white DC's.

The view from the reception was lovely

The Best Man made the wedding cake

and I caught the bouqet.... he he he


PaisleyJade said...

Wow - good on you! And pretty impressive wedding cake for a 'best man'! I went to a wedding yesterday too.

Crafty Things said...

Nice colours in the flowers.

Corrie said...

ohhh I love the dress with the little lace cap sleeve and woo hoo for catching the flowers! well done!!!

its definitely wedding season!


Michelle said...

Hey hey! You bouquet-flower-catcher you! The wedding looked lovely! Happy times!

Unknown said...

Be careful LOL ! I caught the bouquet at a friends wedding and the best man caught the garter and we ended up getting married !!!

It may be catching !


JustJess said...

Well done you! Great cake! Is the best man married?????

Bec said...

Oh, what a beautiful looking wedding! And what a gorgeous bunch of flowers to catch too!!!

Anonymous said...

Well done! Your outfit looks nice and sparkly. And, were you really trying to catch it, or was it a fluke?

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Well done!! I am most impressed that the best man made the wedding cake.

Swirlyarts said...

Oh the bride looks lovely and you look sparkly!

Michelle said...

oh you lucky girl you!!!
hope there was a few good prospects at the wedding...

Chrisy said...

ooooh congrats...maybe you and the best man could get'd be great to live with a guy who could cook like that!

Christy クリスティ said...

congrats, what a lucky gal you are!

Megan.K. said...

As my Melli would say: "fun daaay"
(that's bad, isn't it? Can't even think of my own words tonight~!)

Jackie said...

Lovely wedding. Please visit my blog and see what I've given you

JuliaB said...

Well done! Lets hope you have a better year this year than last. x

sewfunky said...

Woohoo! Catching the bouquet sounds like a good omen for you!

I love the cake - frangipani's are my favourite flower at the moment

Chantilly Bowtique said...

Congrats on catching the bouquet! I love weddings and I also used to put my netball skills into always catching the bouquet! They look very happy.

Unknown said...

Oh it's all so pretty! I just love weddings, should have been a wedding planner. Yay for catching the boquet! Hope you are enjoying the long weekend.
Sophie x

Jennifer Rose said...

Congrats to the happy couple! :D

the bouquet is gorgeous!

Jenny said...

It looks as though it was such a lovely wedding-enjoy the bouquet! Good catch!

Beth said...

I love the yellow on the cake, so bright and cheerful, but still so elegant! And lucky you on catching the bouquet!

Cathy said...

Oh I just love weddings - don't care whose they are - any pics will do. Thanks for sharing these ones and well done on catching the flowers. I am impressed with that cake too.

Sarah said...

Beautiful! I love the bride's dress and the cake looks fantastic!

Liesl said...

As Richie Benaud would say: Marvellous. What a catch!
It looked like a very happy occassion. What a lovely couple. And a beautiful cake!

Anonymous said...

Lucky you and hope the arrings were a success

our shabby cottage said...

Woo Hoo - good for you! Did you do an " Up there Kazali" jump to get it?

Kirsty said...

I was hoping for a tackling/marking story too. Congrats to the little brother.

Sandi said...

What a lovely wedding. The bride and groom look a happy couple. The cake looks fabulous. Congrats on catching the bouquet - the flowers are pretty - white lisianthus and gypsophila lovely and fresh together.

Saniya said...

Really a lovely and gorgeous bunch of flowers. It would definitely impress wedding couple.