
Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Creative Space

My creative space is still a bit of a work in progress - I've just moved the furniture around again thismorning.... trying to find the perfect combination of floor space and work space.

I have lots of tea towels just freshly washed and ironed and waiting to be transformed into new creations for the market.

... and some more new tea towels too. The two on the right arrived on moving day from Silly Gilly - beautiful colours and the perfect year too (1974)!

The one on the left was delivered by my sister yesterday after a visit to RCH. Moo Moo had a bike accident a couple of weeks ago and had to go in to have his two front teeth removed. Poor little munchkin!

Find lots more beautiful creative spaces at Kootoyoo....


  1. love the tea towels! I certainly hope you do much better at your market than I did at mine! in fact, I know you will! I think I've got a 1974 tea towel lying around here somewhere, I'll dig it out for you.

  2. Ooo, I'm coveting that orange tea towel on the left - it is absolutely beautiful!

  3. Ooooh I have some serious Tea Towel envy!!! You lucky thing Curly Pops!

  4. i love the black and white one. The pattern is the kind I am into at the moment. So many tea towels!

  5. Great teatowels, so many vibrant colours, I'm drooling on my keyboard.

  6. The tea towels are gorgeous but the tooth story a little scary.

  7. Nice teatowels but the one on the left of the second pic (the black and white one) is lovely. Almost too nice to wipe up with hehe
    Michelle M

  8. Can't wait to see you launch them at the market. It's going to be so much fun.

  9. I'm a sucker for an Australiana calender tea towel!

  10. I have a secret teatowel fettish, I buy cupcakes ones all the time! still searching for a teacup teatowel, that will be a great day when i discover it!

  11. I have some teatowels you are welcome to have if you want. If you email me I can tell you about them, send a pic and you can decide.

  12. You must be so happy to be getting set up in your new house. All your teatowels are gorgeous. I am sure they will be a big hit at the market.

  13. Oh so much tea towel goodness!! I'm in love. The green tea pot one! Oh it's so divine!
    Sophie xx

  14. I am salivating over the tea towels :)

  15. oooh, like everyone else, I've been peering at the tea towels. Is that a big ole orange barn I see? yay!

  16. you must spend some serious time opping to find all these awesome teatowels!!l

  17. Great tea towels ... can't wait to see them all made up at the market.

    Poor Moo Moo losing his teeth. The same happened to my brother at at a similar age (except it was a snooker ball, not a bike!).

  18. Oh teatowels are hard to resist. I bought a few as gifts in England but wanted sooo many Just For Me! (I resisted.)

  19. Have fun organising the new creative space! How exciting!

    Love the latest teatowel collection!

  20. Hello miss were the luck winner of my 100th post giveaway. Shoot me an email or comment my blog with your address and I will send it out to you as soon as I can.

  21. Oooh looking forward to seeing your recreations.

  22. Wee Hee, I think I can see one of the tea towels I sent you in there. How exciting!!! My daughter had a front tooth accident recently - thankfully didn't have to have it removed but it's permanently crooked now. Apparently it's actually quite common among toddlers (my mother-in-law was just telling me of a little girl she knows who rode her bike off a deck when she was 3, and ended up with both front teeth removed. She is now about 7 and is finally getting her adult teeth and has never been at all worried about the whole thing!!!) Anyway, I really feel for your poor little nephew, and for your sister too. I hope they are all feeling much better now :)

  23. Yay for teatowels :)
    Sad for poor Moo Moo :(


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