
Saturday, March 21, 2009

Roosters and Barns

I've been busy sewing up a storm and getting ready for the market.

This is one of yesterdays creations - gorgeous vintage tea towel that I received in my pay it forward gift from Bec early in February, which has now been transformed into a teatowel apron.

I still have lots and lots more to do!


  1. i love this one Cam! just so cute!

  2. That's gorgeous! I hope to make it to the market too :-)

  3. How am I going to stop myself from buying all your aprons next week. I love this one. I love them all.

    Maybe I should just stand at your stall and spruke. I might scare people off with my over zealous love!

  4. i love your tea towel aprons. my mom would love this one - she collects all things chicken. :)

    isn't it fun to get a peek at all sorts of places all over the world?

    glad you got a kick out of the snowmobile picture. :)

  5. Frances looks super good in this one!

  6. It looks fabulous. The colour is so cheery. And that was a very good year ... one of my favourites!

  7. don't you just love that model...
    great colour combo with this apron...really fresh and pretty...

  8. Loving this apron Cam. Is it going in the shop?

  9. Keep busy!! I love the colours on this one :)

  10. oooh i really like this one...wouldn't it be a great gift for somebody born in that year...

  11. Gorgeous! I am so happy that I won the Great Ocean Road apron from the eBay auctions for Handmade Help, it is even better in real life! Thank you! The address of that cafe is 2 Burnbank Street, Ballarat, you will love it!

    Allison x

  12. Looks great and Frances is doing a great job .
    clares craftroom

  13. Love the apron! Good luck with the market.

  14. Wheeeee!!!! There it is!!! Yay!! It looks fantastic Cam :)
    Wish I could be going to your market - I'd love to see your stall. Sounds like it's going to be fabulous!!!
    All the best, XX Bec

  15. Sorry to say I won't make it to the market, I would have loved to drop by and say hi.
    Hope you have had a lovely day. Glad to see the sun is shining for you.


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