
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Watcha Wearing Wednesday

Well I'm not actually wearing anything that could be deemed interesting enough to blog about today.... although I did do a little op-shopping on Tuesday and picked up some new shorts, corduroy pants and jeans.
They're all in the washing machine right now.

Thanks for all the cheeriness yesterday. My mojo is back so I might actually switch the sewing machine back on today.... but I'm thinking that I might bake a chocolate cake first (don't get too excited... it's a Greens Packet Mix)!

So, this is Watcha Wearing Wednesday bought to you by Frances!

Frances is wearing a lovely vintage Queensland tea towel, which has been teamed with some fabulous cotton floral, and then finished off with spotty trim and straps to create an apron.

Frances likes baking biccies and muffins, and also a bit of flower arranging on the side while wearing her apron.


  1. Frances is uber talented. Baking, floral art... all with no arms! If only I could reach Frances' level of domesticity!!
    BTW Noice apron! The warm sunny colours sum up QLD perfectly.

  2. sorry to hear your mojo was gone but so happy it is back!!!! Frances is looking stunning today and I agree with Gillian - what a legend she is to do all that with no arms!!!!!

  3. Nothing wrong with packet mix!! Caleb is obsessed with doing at least one every week-end. Glad your Mojo is topped up.

  4. What beautiful colours! Looks fab :-)

  5. Good to hear that you're feeling better and good to se that Frances is looking her usual elegant self.

    talk soon...

  6. I love a Green's Chocolate cake. Charlotte just baked a sultana loaf from a packet because it is easy for her to read the instructions/quantities etc.

  7. thinkin frances needs some of that choccie cake...

  8. I am so loving your special aprons!

  9. Frances sure is one stylish gal. I'm sure its all in her stylist's eye for detail though!


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