
Sunday, April 12, 2009

Full to the brim

We celebrated Easter Sunday at my sisters house today

The tiny but intrepid warriors set off on an easter egg hunting adventure around the backyard.

It was a bit of a slow start, but they caught on pretty quickly once they realised that they could fill up their little carry bags with chocolate!

The table was set for a wonderful roast lamb and roast beef lunch with vegies and plenty of gravy........ but I had to save room for dessert

Homemade pavlova with peppermint crisp........

Homemade Creme Brulee.....

....and homemade Mars Bar Cheesecake (I had to bring a slice home because I just couldn't possibly fit in any more)!

Happy Easter!


  1. YUM! Those three desserts are mouth watering!!! Lucky you!

  2. I just put on 10 pounds looking at that*drooling*

  3. Yummy! That Mars bar cheesecake looks scrumptious!!!! You're lucky to live close to your family. Mine are all in Gosford almost 2000kms from here! I've always been a sort of only child (being the youngest by 12 years)and was never with other kids for Easter. When I have my own kids one day I'm going to make an egg hunt a tradition. I'm also going to sit the kids down afterwards and tell the Easter Story, and then get them to choose one toy to take to a local charity and get them to each drop it into the bin. If Xmas is all about giving, so should Easter!!

    Anywho! Love Manda! xx

  4. thanks Cam! never heard of Mars bar cheesecake before, just googled it, I am sooo making that next weekend, just for the hell of it!!!

  5. dessert city! oh yum!


  6. What a lovely lunch you've had and oh my the desserts!!!

    Our boys spent a good hour and a half playing find the egg this morning, they just kept getting them hidden again and again!!

    Pop by my blog, you've won an award!

  7. that pavlova looks great! hmm mint :)

  8. Your family takes their desserts seriously.....

  9. I'm full just looking , Happy Easter .

  10. Mmmmm, all those delicious desserts! I would have needed a take home baggy as well.

  11. Wow! Those desserts are to die for!
    I wouldn't know where to begin faced with those choices!

  12. Oh, that cheesecake is making my mouth water! Yummy, sounds like you had a great easter! Hoppy Easter to you and your family :)
    Kyla and Blake

  13. I would be happy with the vegies and THREE desserts!

  14. Wow what a feast! Those créme Brulée look so mouthwatering! Yummmmmmeeeee. You all obviously had a very nice day.

  15. Is it wrong that I am sitting drooling over those desserts and its only 7.30am? Could I please adopt your family? Mine are all wheat/egg/nut intolerant/allergic or diabetic and we never get have good stuff like that anymore!!

    Your nephews look so cute having their easter egg hunt.

  16. I love the look of your fun family Easter - and those desserts - yummm

  17. Mars bar cheesecake? Oh my goodness!!


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