Sunday, May 17, 2009


I'm dogsitting at the moment.
The dog is inside. asleep on the couch.
The cat is...... confused.


Jade said...

that's just excellent :P

Tania said...

We have a problem at this house too - the youngest kid keeps finding her way in to the dog kennel (she's after a bit of peace and quiet with her favourite books). Now the dog refuses to sleep anywhere where almost two year old humans have been...

willywagtail said...

One very sensible cat. It's warm, cosy and safe! I love Tania's comment too. Cherrie

Liesl said...

The cat looks very cosy there! We have a kennel for our adopted cat. Mr HB went a bit silly and bought one that would fit an Irish Wolfhound. Its her cat mansion.

Taccolina said...

Confused and perhaps a bit.... cross?

Christina Lowry said...

Anything you can do dog,
I can do better,
I can do anything better than you...

bec said...

Ha, the cat is telling the dog who's boss! But I think the dog is winning. I wonder if he's drooling all over the blanket :)

Georgie Love said...

Confused, but planning a house party? This made me laugh. :-)

Sandra @ Pepperberry & Co. said...

Confused but cute!

PaisleyJade said...

haha!! Crackup!

Sarah said...

Cute. My cat wouldn't put up with any dogs trying to steal his couch though.

Christy クリスティ said...

the cat seems to enjoy her new digs! what a cute kitty!

Jemma. said...

Maybe they had some kind of freaky friday style body swap?

Jodie said...

Maybe the dog is just keeping kitty's couch warm for him/her

Cathy {tinniegirl} said...

He looks a little put out by the house guest perhaps?

Michelle said...

But where are you? Cozy inside with the dog, I hope!!

Katy said...

Thanks for that ! - i needed a chuckle :-)

Danielle said...

that is hilarious

Melanie Gray Augustin said...

Very cute!

Karin said...

Hee hee! That expression.

.girl ferment. said...

..but cute

Brooke said...

I love this!!

Juddie said...

This happens at our house - cat in kennel or dog basket, dog sadly moping on the ground with nowhere cosy to snooze.....