
Saturday, May 30, 2009

In my mailbox

I was lucky enough to recieve two amazing packages in the mail this week!

On Thursday, the postie arrived with this wonderful pile of goodies from Amanda at Krafty Panda - beautiful tea towels and sweet little cat doiley (putting my thinking cap on to work out what do with that one)!

....and then on Friday, another package from Linda at Two Pink Possums. This one has tea towels, lovely fabric, and some new sewing needles (just what I need actually).

Thankyou so much Amanda and Linda - as usual I'm completely blown away by the generousity of all the crafters out there. I've received so many lovely things in the mail - I'd love to know what my postie thinks I do with all my packages!

Have a happy Saturday...


  1. Wow, how fun to get that kind of mail! I couldn't help spying the 1992 you take commissions? My eldest was born that year and I'd love to have something special made for her birthday. Let me know, it's fine if you can't/don't of course! x

  2. you are very welcome Cam, it was a pleasure sending you some goodies. WOW my eldest was born in 1992 too what a good year that must of been!!

  3. lol I just read the above comment! It would be great if you could do that Cam! I really love the flowers on that tea towel! I'm glad you got them all ok!

  4. Lovely vintage goodies. Can't wait to see what you make ... especially with the 1992 teatowel!

  5. What lovely goodies! I once had planned to collect tea towels from all our families birth years - I haven't got very far!

  6. No pressure or anything, but I really do think you'll have to do a 1992 project now!!

    Jen in Melbourne

  7. oh how i want your mail...
    for some reason the postie just gives me

  8. Soon you'll have to have a designated tea towel room in your house....or start a tea towel museum and we can come and view all your dish wipers through the ages!


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