
Monday, May 4, 2009

In Print

If you could hear squeals of delight coming from way out west Friday night, don't worry, it was just me opening the current issue of Patchwork and Stitching Magazine.

Click on picture to enlarge

There's a wonderful heartwarming story about The Toy Society, featuring one of my softies - Fuzzy Bear
I was so excited, I rushed straight over to visit all of my family members to show them. Fuzzy Bear was dropped here. I hope he found a lovely new home to live in.

Bianca has created an amazing place to join with other people who just want to share the love.

Thankyou Bianca for making us all smile....

PS - There's also a feature on Miss Muggins in the current issue


  1. Yay - what a lovely surprise! That is sooooo cool!

  2. my rotten browser wont let me enlarge it to read it but I can gather what it is about and I dont blame you for being estatic. Well done to all of the ladies involved.

  3. Congrats! You must have been super psyched. You never cease to inspire me.

  4. Oh yay! That is such a big pat on the back for Bianca and the Toy Society!

    Will have to get the mag at lunchtime and check out the article.

  5. Oh, how very exciting for you and fuzzy bear!

  6. AAAAHHHHHH! So exciting! I'm so pleased for you. I hope you photocopy the article, laminate it and hand it out to everyone you met :-)

  7. I'm pretty sure that means you're famous now :)

  8. How exciting! That's fantastic!!

  9. I am sooooooooooo excited for you! It's a great thing to be involved with!

  10. Yay for the toy society and yay for you! How exciting seeing your sweet fuzzy bear in print!

  11. how totally cool!!! he's a cutie too!

  12. Congrats to you! Your softie is wonderful as is the Toy Society! Keep up the good work.

  13. Oh, how wonderful! Fuzzy Bear is a darling.

  14. That is super cool Cam, well done! And I totally love your Explosives: handle with care box. I want one!

  15. Congratulations on your publicity! I think this is a lovely project.

  16. Congratulations! You are having a good run!Fuzzy bear, market, bickie, brooch! So jealous....

  17. You're a legend Cam. So glad to see you got such great recognition.

  18. wow in print...
    so amazing...
    great stuff...

  19. congratulations you are published.
    no wonder, your bear is so cute!

    happy weekend

  20. Just catching up on all my reading, thanks Cam for the plug!


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