Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The latest boom

Another wave of new babies are on the way. Requests have been flying around thick and fast for bibs and blankies for the new arrivals. Was there a special event nine months ago, or was it just really cold in August / September???

It seems like it's been a long time since I've made bibs, so I altered my template slightly to make the newborn bib a little bit longer. I still need to make some little boy options, and some toddler sized bibs too..... better get to it!


Liesl said...

They're lovely - I especially like the cute pink bear fabric you've used. Clever design with the snap at the side too!

Tania said...

Love 'em. Probably too much. I'd be limiting the wee one to non-splodging food!

PaisleyJade said...

They look wonderful!

Sandrine said...

Cool bibs, love the little red hood fabric;)

Cathie said...

cute! didn't realise you are also bib gifted!

Unknown said...

They're gorgeous , far too nice to chuck up on , LOL !

Rose and Ivy said...

Very cute-- love the fabrics!

Christy クリスティ said...

Very pretty bibs!!

Cathy {tinniegirl} said...

It's been a while between bibs and blankets for sure. I always figure the May/June baby boom is the result of Spring fever.

Cate Lawrence said...

cute! I need to make some baby goodies myself :)

angelique said...

such lovely fabric you have used there Miss curlypops.

polly pratt said...

They look lovely.

Finki said...

jeez cam, you're so talented. we have two babies arriving amongst our rellies. One we just found out is going to be a girl. I'd love to buy the pink red riding hood one, and some boy ones for Finn. where can we buy some.

JasperBoy said...

I'm with Finki, these should be in your store.

Jen in Melbourne

our shabby cottage said...

I love the one at the back with the bears on it!

Margaret said...

Gorgeous! I love the pink one ...

Melanie Gray Augustin said...

So cute! I have to get onto making some of them too.

Jo said...

They look lovely and yes, longer bibs are always good, babies can really hurl quite a way, can't they!! LOL