
Saturday, May 9, 2009

Loot Glorious Loot - Day 6

Onto day 6, and the Lootfest continues....

Jess from Button Beauty popped this gorgeous old teatowel in the mail for me this week. My little sister was born in 1976, so I might have to whip something up for her with this beauty!

I'm very excited today because the Thornbury Craft Bonanza girls are coming to visit for our monthly craft-a-palooza. I made a quick trip to the shops yesterday to pick up the required chocolate supplies, so everybody should be happy.... now I should probably try to clean up some of the mess in my craft space to make room for everyone....

PS - More looters here

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cam,
    Again, I'm really sorry I couldn't make it today, but I hope you all had a fabulous time.
    See you very soon I hope!
    x Juddie


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