Thursday, May 28, 2009

My Creative Space

My creative space had become one giant dumping ground lately, which in turn, made it completely impossible to be creative, so I decided to have a huge clean up.

I went and bought some cheap and cheerful containers, and I've sorted everything so I can find it. I have separate containers for Handbag Supplies, Cutting Implements, Pens Pencils Markers, Pins and Needles, Stamps, Buttons, etc etc. It's still a work in progress but I'm slowly getting there.

I even finally organised for my sewing machine to go in for a service! It had gotten to the point where it wouldn't go any faster when I pressed down on the presser foot, and it was making a horrible noise. Luckily I found a local service that picks up from home and then re-delivers when it's finished and it's cheaper than the local sewing machine shop too.

On my cutting bench - a stack of bibs, cut out and ironed and now just waiting to be sewn up.

Play along with My Creative Space at Kootoyoo...


Cass said...

Feel free to come round to my place and tidy up my sewing area. Yours looks lovely.

Selina said...

I was just about to say exactly what was said by Cass!! You're welcome anytime!!

Megan.K. said...

Love the colour-co-ordinated clean-up!!!
And the bibs look lovely too.


PaisleyJade said...

Looks like you are super organised... can you pop over the ditch and sort my life out too?? Loving your bibs - especially the fabrics!

Christy クリスティ said...

I love those cheerful containers! I would need to buy some too!

Finki said...

oooh your space looks like so much fun.

Melanie Gray Augustin said...

Looking good! A creative space cleanout always feels great doesn't it!

Christina Lowry said...

It feels great, doesn't it, when your space is all nice and neat and organised. Then it is fun to make a mess again!

Your sewing machine is going to be so happy and you won't know your self when you get it back!
PS. It wasn't because you had the needle in backwards, was it....

Tania said...

Oooh! A real filing system, like where you can find stuff and everything! (nothing like that around here much to my distress).

PS. Admiring my restraint? I figure I can't in any good conscience enter your lovely apron giveaway, but I have to keep speeding past that particular post!

Anonymous said...

I wish I had enough room in my house to have a permanent creative space. I'm sure it wouldn't look as neat as yours though. :-)

I love those baskets - very eyecatching.

Jenaveve said...

Nice one! Those colorful baskets are divine and so CurlyPops :)

Bet you're missing your machine while it's away. How good is that? Pick up and drop off service! Just like the olde days... Good to see some businesses still believe in Customer Service (Spotlight/Lincraft - are you reading this??!!) said...

I love this idea of the colourful baskets. I need some!

Cathy {tinniegirl} said...

I know what you mean Cam. I get to a point where I can't function if my studio is too much of a mess. Just have to have a big tidy up and make room for the creativity. You space is looking and sounding very organised.

angelique said...

Those baskets are a good idea. I have awful trouble trying to find what I need when I want it.

P.s they are very cheerful and I think that is a good thing.

Kirsty said...

I got to that point I just relocated. I will tidy up this weekend. Your neat & tidy looks lovely.

Gina said...

Containers left out in the open - now that makes sense. I'm always shoving stuff away in cupboards, then pulling it out again and spreading it everywhere. Nice organising!

Zarah said...

Looks lovely with all those baskets and bright colours!:D

Anonymous said...

I love your coloured containers. I have to say it looks exactly like I imagined your creative space would look... Girly and fun. Hope you get your machine back

Michelle said...

Your space looks lovely all tidied up - mine never stays tidy for long. Hope your machine is back with you soon and better than ever. Thank you for the awesome items you sent for Cass's swap - my parcel arrived today.

Anonymous said...

Looks good....mine only stays semi-tidy for a day or two!

Karin said...

Wow, beautiful. Very very organized. I hope one day I can move off the kitchen table! There's always the idea of setting up in the garage but then I'd have to get very cozy with all the redbacks. Hmmm...

Princess kirstie jane said...

Am loving the containers a good clean up is always so great to invite new inspiration and energy, and a great way to distract from no sewing machine. Won't it be good to have it running well again, but going without always puts me off. What if I am inspired to use it those days? Get well soon CurlyPops sewing machine :)

Jennifer Rose said...

the coloured baskets look great, adding a bit of colour to a space can do wonders (huh I sound like a really bad interior designer :p)

Cath @ chunkychooky said...

crikey!!! you are so neat!

Alisa : Ink Caravan said...

What a great, simple design for a bib! Damn, mine have only just grown out of them! Curly Pops where have you been?!

Mrs Button said...

Ooo. I am envious of all the space! I am shopping for baskets on Saturday morning!

Anonymous said...

this is a kool bag!!!

Mister X proud bag owner xx

Juddie said...

Oh my gosh! Your space looks so .... well.... spacious... and tidy and organised! I'm filled with admiration. Looking forward to seeing you at the next TCB, Cam!