
Sunday, June 14, 2009

A special delivery

Do you remember this gorgeous 1992 tea towel that Amanda from Krafty Panda sent me?

I received a message from Beck about it, requesting an apron for her daughters birthday (who was born in 1992.... sheesh that makes me feel really old)!

As Beck was having a stall at the Daylesford Makers Market last weekend, I couldn't resist changing my plans and heading to Daylesford to deliver it in person.

Happy Birthday Charlotte!


  1. Brilliant! ha! what else to do with 1992!

  2. What an awesome idea. Now I could kick myself for throwing out all of my mother's calendar tea towels!!!!

  3. that's lovely of you Cam a great present!! my little 1992 baby is going to be 17 in a few months and I just can't believe it! I AM old

  4. I'm so glad you did this!! It looks simply wornderful! Much nicer than just the plain tea towel! If someone asks you for a certain date and you don't have it, ask and I'll have a look around for you. I also have all those beautiful Australia calender tea towels I found. Hmmm...must blog about them sometime soon!

  5. What a fabulous idea and lovely present-so kind of you to deliver it in person

  6. You have infected me with the bug, I am now on the lookout for vintage tea towels, not for aprons, just because!

  7. Super. What a special gift I think, one to treasure as she gets older.

  8. My 3 girls have all been born in the 2000's. I wonder if it would be possible to find a cool vintage feeling tea towel from such recent times?

  9. my husband and i are the youth leaders at our church, and the kids in the youth group were born in the early 90's, i know what you mean about that making one feel old . . .

    the apron is pretty! :)


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