
Friday, June 12, 2009

When the going gets tough....

The tough go shopping..... crafty online shopping that is of course!

I saw these beautiful Sheeps Clothing mug cozies on Staceys blog a couple of weeks ago, so I couldn't resist. I ordered a pink one for me (of course), a green one for my older sister, and a purple one for my younger sister.

The colours are just amazing, really deep and rich, and they're so soft. I delivered the green one today, and I'll be handing over the purple one on the weekend. It makes me want to go and make a cuppa just so I can use mine. If you need to buy a gift that would suit anyone, then one of these would be perfect!

I also bought another little gift just for me. I've been meaning to make myself a needlecase forever! I always end up with a huge mess when I try to pack up my sewing supplies for crafty days out.

I spied this one over at Selina's Vintage. Selina has used vintage chenille and a vintage hanky to create this gorgeous needlecase.

Inside has plenty of room for lots of pins and needles....

.... and there was also an extra special suprise of vintage tea towels! How cool is this one from Disneyland? Thankyou so much Selina.


  1. Ooh, what lovely goodies! That needle case is particularly stunning. I heart handmade!!

  2. You're a lucky lady! The cup warmers look so cosy - you could use them as a bracelet too..

    The pictures on the Disney Land look very nice, let me know if that makes it into a apron and into your shop - BAGS IT!!

  3. I might have to purchase the Disneyland one when it becomes an apron. Ms L and I love Disneyland.

    I also think I'll have to add needlecase to the list of things that I could make for myself but probably never will. Off to Selina's Vintage I go.

    We'll be thinking of you tomorrow.

  4. ohhh, the cup warmers, soo nice! hope you used it already.

  5. Oooooh, I won one of those needlecases! They are lovely, aren't they?

    Cup warmers and tea towels, sounds like a great cheer-me-up. :)

  6. You're very welcome Cam!

    I reaaaly love those cup warmers, I might have to head off and get me one of those!

  7. Cute online finds! I love the vintage tea towels. My step grandmother must have had close on... let's say 1000 (an exaggeration, perhaps, but it doesn't seem like it!) and we've all inherited some. I just love them, I must post a few as I have some beauties. I love to see you using them in your work, they shouldn't be left doing nothing, they are just too good!

  8. YAY mug cozies... i sent my mum a pattern and asked her to make me some!!! She did and i am just waiting for them now.... hurry up mum!

    xo Steph

  9. The pages of the needle case look so yummy! Its gorgeous!

  10. Love, love, love the mug cozies. How cute. Your sisters are very lucky. I'm glad you bought one for yourself, too.

  11. the needlecase is very pretty and useful :)

    that tea towel from Disneyland is really neat to see, does it say on it how old it is?

  12. Can't go past a knitted cup-of-tea jumper.

  13. What great finds! Love the use of the vintage hankie in the needlecase. The Disneyland Tea Towel is wonderful.

  14. oh these mug warmers are DIVINE...
    will have to take a look...
    right this second!!!

  15. I have a soft spot for the tea cozy in green;)

  16. ooo, I need me one of those mug cosies!!!! Too clever!


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