
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A box full of sunshine

I arrived home lastnight to find a huge box waiting for me on the kitchen table (luckily my mum had been at my house when the postie arrived).

I was lucky enough to win the 'guess the new baby name' over at Missie Krissie. I actually won by default as Kristie gave the hint that the name started with the letter N. As I have two nephews whose names begin with N, I guessed both names...... and the new little bubba's name is Noah (which incidentally is one of my favourite boys names in the whole wide world).

Inside the box were the most amazing lot of goodies - beautiful vintage fabric, lots and lots of different types and colours of yarn (perfect for some experimentation), and the best bit - a beautifully embroidered CurlyPops frame.

Thankyou so much Kristie - I have no idea how on earth you had time to complete that beautiful embroidery for me, but I truly appreciate it!


  1. Congratulations..what a Beautiful Win.

  2. lucky girl, what a gorgeous frame!

  3. SEEEEE? Sod the once in a while lottery ticket theory. You're going to have to do it regularly – it's but a matter of time before you hit a crazily big jackpot!

  4. Lovely lot of goodies! Congratulations! I too love the name Noah

  5. Lucky you, what a great surprise to come home to.

  6. She does it again... how lovely. Enjoy.

  7. What a lovely price. You are one lucky lady :-)

  8. Congratulations... What a wonderful prize!

  9. Wow, great prize. And Noah certainly is a lovely name.

  10. Noah is a lovely name. What a lovely surprise to come home to.

  11. Oh, I love the CurlyPops sign!! Lucky lady!

    P.S. My word verification word is psych... what does that say?

  12. The Curlypops embroidery is lovely, isn't it. What excllent prizes.


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