
Monday, August 10, 2009

Another Market

Even though I'm crazy busy at the moment, I've signed up for another market stall!

The Queen Victoria Womens Centre is having an Open Day on Saturday 22nd August 2009, and will be holding a craft market as part of the activities for the day. The market will run from 10 AM til 3.30 PM.

Taken from the QVWC Website:

The Queen Victoria Women’s Centre is a vibrant place and space known, valued and used by women to shape the world they want for themselves and for the women of the future.

The Centre is a hub for women’s issues, ideas and leadership across ages, cultures, interests and localities.

A place for women, by women - we work with women and women focused organisations to build their ability to achieve their objectives.

Established in 1994, the Centre’s heritage building is the sole remaining tower of the former Queen Victoria Memorial Hospital.

The Centre’s beautiful building is home to a range of women's organisations and offers venuesWomen's Gallery that enable the public to share and support this vibrant place for the women of our community.

I'll have lots of new brooches and handbags on offer, and I'm sharing a stall with Ann Marie from Crafty Girl With Ruffle, who will have be bringing along her fabulous Map 29 purses.

You can have your own favourite destination made up into a stylish purse!

Now, I'd better get back to the sewing machine..... pronto.


  1. Wow! You must be really busy with all these markets that you are doing. I wish I had the time to do a market stall but uni makes it impossible. We have a massive holiday from November to March so I might try and do one then.

  2. It seems crazy busy works best for you Cam. Good on you for taking on the challenge of another market.

  3. Great looking brooch. Good Luck with the market.

  4. that sounds like something you just couldn't pass up being a part of. good luck, I'm sure you'll do great!

  5. Sucker for punishment! Actually I suspect you thrive on crazy busy. And after the storm it'll be a well earned sit on the couch under Tinniegirls's granny square rug with endless hot Milos.

  6. Good on you!I am sure it will be great...good idea to share too;)
    Happy sewing crazy ;)

  7. you guys have SO many markets - thats so cool! have are always fun!
    i love that map purse, looks great!!

  8. I've put it the diary, am free that day so i'll come for a lookee. Well done, i've caught the market bug too now. (caught tonsillitis too, don't know where from!)

  9. nothing like a market to get that sewing machine working over time ... crazy busy - you do it with style!

  10. average of two posts a day on your blog, AND getting ready for a show, AS WELL as all the normal family stuff!!! I feel EXHAUSTED just thinking about it! :lol:

  11. oh this market sounds really good...
    love the little write up...a hoot...

  12. Hey- my house is just off that purse map!

  13. It will be great fun to do this market together. I can't wait!

  14. It should be a fabulous market - hope you have a fabulous day. Pity I can't visit that one :(

  15. Hi, I will have to come along , i might even see if there are any stalls left. See you there.



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