
Saturday, August 1, 2009

Just a minute in July....errr August

I missed the end of July because I was far too busy eating nice Turkish food for dinner with Tinniegirl, but I didn't want to miss out on the monthly Just a Minute wrap so her 'tis:


I was completly addicted to Masterchef. I would time my dinner so that I could sit down and eat at 7PM and watch Masterchef (and secretly wish that I was eating whatever they were cooking - especially if it was a dessert), so now I'm a little lost.....

I'm so glad that Project Runway Australia has resumed for the year. I love all the bitchy remarks between the contestants, and Henry is a hoot! Of course, being crafty, I can't understand why anyone wouldn't want to watch sewing on tv.

I can't forget Brothers and Sisters..... is there anyone else who wants to save Rob Lowe from his on screen marriage woes?


Lots and lots of stuff this month.... it's all been a bit of a blur. There have been handbags, drawstring bags, brooches, purses, tea towel aprons, pants, trackie daks, bibs, blankies.

Sometimes, I tend to wonder what I actually do all day, until I actually sit down and review the previous month. I actually do make quite a lot of stuff.

If you saw my house at the moment.... it's like a craft supplies bomb exploded - bits and pieces all everywhere. Lucky I don't have a family that needs a dinner table to eat meals on!


Yummy turkish food lastnight - a few packets of tim tams during the month. I did manage to have capsicum dip and barbecue shapes for tea one night (after all, capsicum is healthy - right?). My sister also found me a big packet of Colvan Chicken Chips at IGA last week. They were our absolute favourite back in our younger (and much more silly) days. I haven't seen Colvan chips for years.


I finished The Amazing Adventures of Diet Girl. It was a great read, and even more funny that she started out as a blogger.

I've nearly finished The Bad Mothers Handbook by Kate Long. It's another great chick book - easy to read and funny as well.

I;ve just borrowed my sister copy of AWW with Magda on the cover. I'm not very happy with Magda since she announced on A Current Affair (which I really shouldn't watch because it's rubbish), that being obese was like being disabled. I'm sure that if she had to deal with a lifelong disability, or spoke to families with disabled children, then she might just regret that statement.
OK - off my soapbox now.


To Ministry of Sound Chill Out Sessions compilations - I have all of them from the previous ten years or so. It's great sewing music. I need to head to a CD shop to pick up the latest offering, Uncovered.


To actually make some stock for my next Made'n'Thornbury market on September 5th.


With lots of different fabrics and textures - still not sure if my ideas will come to fruition.


Of fibre and fabric and texture and colour.... all melding into one.

Looking forward to:

One of my girlfriends having a new little bubba very very soon!

Play along with Just a Minute next month by joining up over at August Street.


  1. Phew! How busy are you? I'm with you re the Magda comment...maybe she was having a 'moment' and not thinking straight. Hope August is full of new and exciting adventures for you..and a whole lot of relax-ay-vous too xo

  2. Ooh, you reminded me of that great music! I love MOS too, takes me back to my clubbing days. Just put one on now to sew Abba costumes...uggh!

  3. You are super productive! Love the stuff you have been making lately. My son has just got me into Masterchef... it's on around 5pm here in NZ so we often watch it while eating dinner too.

  4. whew...
    so glad i was only reading and not doing all that work...
    now you have me thinking of tim tams...I really need to have a packet handy when I blog the sugar helps you concentrate "right"...well that's what I think...

  5. Oh yeah - Colvan chips!! I saw some somewhere recently (Maryborough? Avoca?) and was blasted straight back to the school tuckshop!

    Yes - you really are a very busy crafter! (Don't feel that you have to do any pattern testing if you have market stock to make!).

  6. Who's Magda?

    You have been very busy indeed! Is that energy of yours for sale? ;-)

    Love the apron by the way!

  7. Oh yeay! Is Project Runway back????? I love it and watch it via You Tube! I like Henry too. What episode are you on now?

  8. "Magda since she announced on A Current Affair (which I really shouldn't watch because it's rubbish), that being obese was like being disabled"

    o.0 lets see her try living with my disability and then compare them! I sort of understand what she might have been saying but it doesn't make it less insulting. (and I don't even know who this person is)

    I loved The Amazing Adventures of Diet Girl, thought it was a great book :)

  9. Phew.!! you are more busy than I thought...we also loved Masterchef and are keen for the next one...Project Runway is a Fav I Like Mark..I think he is a Quiet Achiever..Love Love Brothers & sisters...Poor Robbie hope they get their act Love that Disfunctional Family..makes mine seem very Quiet & Boring...
    have a Great August...

  10. Wow - you are looking pretty busy! I love Project runway too - there should be more sewing on tv

  11. What a round-up! Turkish food rocks. Especially the breads... and capsicum definitely gets the thumbs up for health. Chock full of vitamin C!


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