
Thursday, September 24, 2009

My creative space

Todays creative space has been a whirlwind crafty day....

Bec came to visit and we spent the entire day crafting, eating and op shopping with her little Miss, and my nephew Mr X.

I was putting together some new flower brooches.... lots of colour co-ordinating and cutting and stitching and glueing, while Bec was working on a Baguette Bag and the binding for her current quilt.

We took the kiddies out for lunch, and we just happened to be in the vicinity of the local Salvos, which meant that a pitstop was completly unavoidable!

Bec picked up these lovely cross stitched birdies, a bright yellow crochet tablecloth and a lovely turquoise blue chenille bedspread.

I bought this draftsmans chair which is going to be perfect for my craft bench. Mr X put it to good use while working on his painting. Little Miss made some lovely collaged pieces with different types of papers and some glue.

The day absolutely flew and before we knew it, it was time to pack and say goodbye.

Gotta love a day full of craft!


  1. And a good time was had by all by the looks of things! (Between the two of you, did you leave anything at the Salvos?!)

  2. I too did a touch of op shopping today - I never knew what I was missing out on for all those years!

  3. What a great day - for you both and the little ones - everyone wins!

  4. I am insanely, like, vividly grasshopper green with envy.

  5. Chenille bedspread...Did someone say chenille bedspread ?

  6. Ooooh... sounds like my day... 'cept for the crafting lmao - lots of opping & eating though!! ;)

  7. Crafting and op shopping - perfect!!

  8. Sounds like a wonderful day was had by all. I can only dream of the day when i can go op shopping with my small people - and come away smiling. Peta

  9. Everybody had loads of fun by the look of it all;)!

  10. very colourful post :) sounds like a great day for all. the cross stitch bird is great find

  11. Sounds like a wonderful day - here's to many more of them.

  12. Sounds like a great day - I love a creative crafting day!

  13. How lovely to be crafting alongside a friend. I'm thinking you should frame that kiddy painting in the picture... the use of colour is fabulous.

  14. Your space always looks so colourful. Well done to you and Bec for actually getting stuff done and not being distracted with too much chatting and busy kids. It sounds like you had a great day together.

  15. This sounds like the perfect creative day to me.


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