
Friday, September 11, 2009

Something to think about

I was just reading this post over at Blog Chicks, which is originally from Cathie at The Year of the Cat, and it's something that I've never ever given any thought to before:

What will happen to our online identities when our physical ones are gone?

Head on over and have a read.....very interesting.


  1. Thank you for sharing this link. Very interesting, have never thought of this. However I will forward this to my mum who conducts loss and grief workshops and has done many funerals.

  2. I already have a list of logins and passwords locked away but not instructions on what to do 'in the event of'. Something to think about...

  3. everything would probably stay they way it was, besides maybe a note saying I died from hubby since he knows the passwords for most of them ( I always forget them lol)

  4. Thanks for the post, such an interesting "food for thought" topic that I had not considered. Most of my closest friends or relatives that have passed away have either missed the whole social networking revolution or have been too old to care about it. Perhaps Facebook and blogger will have to build something into their interface so that you will live on, but it will be obvious that you are no longer on the planet.

  5. Great post Cam. Something to really consider.

    Hope you girls are having a lovely crafternoon.

  6. A really thought-provoking post.

    My hubby and I had this discussion while I was ill for a long time, (doctors telling me it could be for the worst, but turned out to be quite treatable). I left him with all my passwords and instructions to write something brief on my blog.


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