
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Where for art thou ferris wheel?

My little ferris wheel is winging its way over to the other side of Melbourne right now....

The postie had better deliver it on time.....

I had to drive past the other ferris wheel earlier in the week......
It was supposed to be the 'apple of docklands eye'

I snapped some shots on my mobile phone....

I was stuck in traffic - I promise I wasn't driving and taking photos at the same time!

After watching it being slowly put together over a couple of years, it's really quite sad to see it being taken to pieces again.


  1. i LOVE your ferris wheel! it is SO pretty!

  2. Your ferris wheel is just lovely. Beautiful work!

  3. I'm glad to finally see the whole block. It's gorgeous! You inspired me to get some sequins the other day....

  4. Looks great! We drove past that ferris wheel yesterday. Are they going to fix it or just ditch the whole idea?

  5. Your ferris wheel looks great...the other one ...not so much!

  6. Very nice!

    I can see the "other" wheel from work; its been interesting watching it disappear gradually over the last few weeks...

  7. It has to be Melbourne's biggest stuff up, doesn't it? Yours isn't, yours is bee-oo-ti-ful.

  8. Your square is really gorgeous Cam, really stunning.
    As for the other one, well I guess what goes up must come down.
    THank you for your lovely comment on my latest bear, really means a lot.

  9. I love it Cam I love the bling on it too!!!!

  10. It is beautiful Cam. Just lovely.

  11. Your ferris wheel turned out lovely! I can't wait to see all the redwork pieces together.

  12. What a waste of money that was! lol

    Your Wheel is much better and well worth the monies :)

  13. looks great :D

    seems like a giant waste of money :/

  14. I know which ferris wheel I'd prefer to have a whirl around in...

  15. Great job on the redwork. Nice to see the whole thing. I too have driven past the Docklands ferris wheel twice in the past couple of weeks. It is a very sad thing to see it being dismantled soooo sloooowly. To think of all the money and resources going to waste...

  16. Beautiful! Glad I found your blog! Pop over to visit sometime, I would love to see you there! Suzie. xx

  17. Oh no ... I just realised I must have read this post and not commented. Whoops! I absolutely love your ferris wheel - the idea was really clever and your finished square looks amazing. I really like how you have used the snaps and sequins too. Lovely!

  18. I think it all looks a bit sad too. I see it every day as it is right near my work building. Hopefully it'll be all put back together soon.

    Jen in Melbourne


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