
Saturday, October 17, 2009

Blogtoberfest Day 17: SuperPops With a Cherry on Top

Check out this fantastic entry from Sarah at With a Cherry on Top.

If someone could whip me up that cool retro superhero outfit, I'd wear it for sure.... with some killer boots of course!

I love that the weapon of choice for a crafty superhero is a quick unpick.

Thanks Sarah..... I don't know how on earth we're going to be able to pick a winner.


  1. The entries you are getting are amazing! I do love her (your) quick unpick and that outfit is just fab!

  2. Love her!! I have no idea how you'll choose the winner but I don't envy you that task.

  3. You're going to be hard pressed I think. People are coming up with amazing creations. I love, love, love the quick unpick.

  4. OOhhh..I want her as my blog header..she so suits my blog name !
    Fabulous !My gosh there are some super creative people out there..I bet you are having some fun with this !

  5. I love this one! its perfect!! love the colours of the outfit and its nice to see a return of the hero with that v- neck thing, and the outfir is not to tight- so you don't ahve to starve yourself like wonder woman! perfection!

  6. A quick unpick and looking uber streamlined. With all these excellent entries, I think it might be about time to change your blog name Mrs!

  7. I LOVE this one, the unpicker a perfect addition!

  8. I love this one too!!! (I love all the entries so far). Great outfit and nifty super-hero weapon on choice. Brilliant.

  9. here in the states, we call an "unpick" a "seam-ripper"

    isn't that funny how things are phrased from different parts of the world?


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