
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Blogtoberfest Day 20: Joy Doll + SuperPops = SuperMel

The very supersmart Mel from I Speak Melsh has managed to take on two challenges at once - above is Joyful Mel, which is part of The Creative Beasts Joy Doll challenge.

But Joyful Mel has a deep dark secret.....

She's also SuperMel!

Look - she can even fly....

The above photo is an entry from Lisa at Cute as Buttons - you have to read this post to find out more!

Thanks Mel and Lisa


  1. I loved the Cute as Buttons entry. So funny. Mel's entry is fabulous too.

  2. Oooo I love this entry. So cute!!! Love the glasses, very super hero.

  3. This super pop challenge is soo funny Cam;O)))))


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