
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Blogtoberfest Day 24: I see RED

Lastnight was the wonderful Redwork Quilt Hanging evening at the Abbotsford Convent.

There was a sea of red...... and a sea of lovely crafty bloggers and non-bloggers, all very eager to have a look at the exquisite finished masterpiece.

Kirsty has done such a magnificent job of the entire project. I can only imagine how much time and effort it's taken to get to this point.

My happy snaps certainly don't do any justice to the project, so please head on over to the official blog for a much better view, and all of the background information for the entire project.

I think Kirsty deserves a HUGE round of applause!


  1. The finished quilt looks awesome!
    Job well done!

  2. Lovely to meet you last night, and here, here to the applause - Kirsty did an amazing job.

  3. That is just superb! Everyone made such amazing squares and together....totally fabulous!

  4. Yay for Kirsty, the quilt looks fantastic. Love the butterflies xo

  5. would have loved to have seen this in person, so much work has gone in to the gorgeous quilt

  6. It's inspired and gorgeous stuff indeed (and lovely to finally meet you!).

  7. she does she does!! I love it !! Amazing.I feel proud to be a part of it !..and i love your square.

  8. Wow this looks so amazing...
    Love the whole idea of it...and such a great colour choice...
    Will be checking out more pics...Thou yours are pretty good...


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