
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Blogtoberfest Day 3: Kiddie Craft

I had some friends pop in for a visit thisafternoon and the kiddies were very excited and wanted to make something as soon as they walked in the door.

I promised that I'd put a photo on the blog.

Purple felt flower brooch by Sian
Blue felt flower brooch by Jack

I gave them both some extra supplies to take home so that they could make a doily brooch each.

What fun!


  1. That is so sweet- how brilliant that they want to amke something as soon as they come over!
    Beautiful brooch Sian lvoely colours
    Great work Jack very clever!!!

  2. Gosh the kids did a brilliant job! I can't wait till my little one is old enough to craft along beside me!

  3. Naaaaaaaaawwwwww - cute! I bet they love going to visit "the crafty lady"! ;)

  4. Great job - two little crafters in the making I think

  5. Great job little crafty people! Love the colours

  6. I bet they get very excited when they come and visit you!Very cute;)

  7. oh this is so cute they did such a wonderful job

  8. Gorgeous- I'm sure they'll be treasured!

  9. Such a great idea and that stitching is ace.

  10. great little project - I know what I will be doing with my girls tomorrow.

  11. They are so gorgeous! I love hearing about kids getting excited about creating. Yay!

  12. Great job guys! Aren't you lucky to have Super Pops as your craft mentor?! :)


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