
Thursday, October 29, 2009

My creative space

It's Nico's 2nd birthday next Monday, so I've been getting to work making him some new pants.

I've used my new Burda 9793 pattern - these ones are 3/4 length pants in size 2. I couldn't follow the instructions to the letter, as I really needed to overlock the corduroy to prevent any fraying.

It's difficult to see in the photo, but this is the first time that I've tried this type of side hip pocket. I think it's pretty cute.

I didn't bother with pockets on the back - does a 2 year old really need pockets anyway (they usually just get filled up with dirt and sand)?

My next job is to cut out the shorts pattern and whip up a pair of those too, and then I just need a couple of appliqued tees and I'm done.

Make sure to head on over to see Kirsty and sign up or just check out who else is playing along today.


  1. Super cute! And too many pockets is a nightmare. Forever pulling rocks out of my washing machine xox

  2. They are so cute! I love the little skull and crossbone fabric!

  3. Cool pirate patch, what more could a 2 year old ask for ?(maybe twenty-three pockets to collect heaps more rocks in).

  4. Those nephews of yours seems to be always having birthdays. Are you sure your sister isn't celeberating birthdays more often than the usual once-a-year so as to get some gorgeous new outfits for her boys...???!!!!

  5. love all the pants you make and you are so right about the pockets (and that applies until they get too past 5 too!)

  6. Totally awesome job on those shorts and you did a great job on those pockets!!!

    My 2yr old is loving the pockets these days but the back ones are not used so I am sure they won't be missed.

  7. Love the skull star. Very cool. He's going to look radical!

  8. Very nice! Andas a mum who has to empty the pockets I say the less pockets, the better!

  9. Cute pants. The 3/4 things sounds very groovy too. Can't wait to see the rest of it.

  10. Lucky little Nico. You're just about the best aunty in the world.

  11. Very very cool shorts....... the fact that you can even sew pockets impresses fishy shorts are far more basic than that!

  12. Awww, I can just see the little fella stuffing his hand into that side-pocket, and loitering about... perhaps filling it with a few grotty treasures... how perfect.

  13. Do you have any birthday free months? Hehe... I got up close to my screan (which needs a good clean I see) and the pocket looks perfect!! Nice work and for trying something new!! GOLD STARS!!

    xo Steph

  14. Very cool pants! I love the skulls!

  15. Wow! I love them! The pocket is just fabulous and I really love the skull patch too :) K

  16. Little Guy is not yet 2 and he just loves pockets, mostly just front ones though. He thinks he is so grown up walking around with his hands in his pockets. Very cool shorts, what a lucky nephew you have.

  17. Cute shorts but if my just turned 2 year old is anything to go by he might need 4 more pairs. She's going through more changes of clothing than when she was crawling. Loving the pirate star.

  18. These are great, Cam. I love side pockets like that. As for pockets, as they get older, the more the merrier. And if you're looking for something to amuse yourself, put the pockets on the back. It's pretty bloody funny watching a two year old trying to put something in a back pocket. ;o)

  19. Cool pants. I bet he will love to wear them!

  20. Oh how true is that! I can never believe how much sand a little shoe can hold, it just keeps coming and coming. Fab duds!


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