
Friday, November 13, 2009

Make and repeat

Yet another handbag finished.

This isn't actually part of the Vintage Girly collection - I'm just whipping up lots of different colours and shapes and sizes for the upcoming markets.

I've been drawn to lots of different shades of green lately. I'm finding it quite strange as I've never ever liked green before. Maybe it's the soothing calming nature of green that's drawing me in.... maybe I need some soothing and calming before the craziness of the Christmas market season kicks into full gear!

In case you haven't had a chance to check out my market dates on the sidebar:

Kris Kringle Night Market - Northcote Town Hall - Thurs 26th Nov 5.30 - 10 PM
Daylesford Makers Market - Daylesford Town Hall - Sat 28th Nov 10 AM - 3 PM
Kris Kringle Night Market - Northcote Town Hall - Thurs 3rd Dec 5.30 - 10 PM
Kris Kringle Night Market - Northcote Town Hall - Thurs 10th Dec 5.30 - 10 PM
Made'n'Thornbury Market - 99 Leinster Grove Thornbury - Sat 12th Dec 10 AM - 3 PM
Kris Kringle Night Market - Northcote Town Hall - Thurs 17th Dec 5.30 - 10 PM


  1. Good lord girl, you must have clones of yourself hidden away to get through all these markets !

  2. Traditionally a red girl, I'm into green at the moement too. Like the fabric combo on your bag. That is a lot of markets - will hopefully see you in Daylesford!

  3. The shape is great. Love the way you have added the pleats. Green is a bit like yellow - it helps to enliven things. Cherrie

  4. Lots of markets to keep you busy! I think you should sell that bag to me instead of keeping it for market stock, I love those greens!!

  5. That is quite a list of markets Cam! Love the green bag - I seem to be drawn more to green and yellow lately too!

  6. What a sweet bag design - wish i could just 'whip up' a bag...

  7. Wow looks like you'll be busy for some time to come with all those markets.

  8. ahhh, the healing properties of green, not to mention it symbolizes PROSPERITY, which you are obviously working toward with all those markets you are participating in!

    "GO CurlyPops, GO CurlyPops, GO CurlyPops"!! WOOT - WOOT!! ;)

    BTW: love the mix of hue and pattern here =-)

  9. I have been getting into green since I had a request for a green softie recently now I am seeing so much green fabric I like.... it seems to be everywhere...

  10. You're going to be a busy bee! I'll have to try and pop into the Northcote one sometime :-)

  11. I love it! Green is growing on me too. You are going to be a super busy girl in the next months... all the best!

  12. You are one amazing chicky babe....
    Loving the green bag...not a green type of girl, but I could do that!


  13. gorgeous bags, loving the green :)

  14. go go Super Pops!!
    It's Greeeeeen!! I love it, my favorite color. Has been for the last few years!
    Wow what an itinerary!
    I'm only doing one and feeling little panic attacks!
    Back to the sewing station for more playing:(

  15. Holy Moly! Will you be able to sleep between now and Christmas? See you on the 26th...

  16. I quite like that green bag also - which IS odd because green, well, it's never really tickled my fancy.
    I made a button bracelet last week for a friend, and it was green, and it looked quite nice when it was done... so, I may be adventuring further into green territority soon....!

    Good luck for all your markets - WOW - how many clones do you have, exactly...?!

  17. How am I supposed to get to any of those markets when i'm always at markets myself?

  18. We are a bit matchy matchy with our posts today. See you tomorrow, and at least two of those market thingies.


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