
Thursday, November 19, 2009

My creative space

In my creative space today.... more flower petals drying - which of course is not going to take long when the weather is forecasted to be 36 degrees today aaaagggghhh!

I'll be trying to hide inside with all of the blinds closed, until I'm forced to go out for an appointment later in the day.

Also sitting on my workbench today is this lovely suprise Blogtoberfest pressie from Becky over at Becky et al. Some beautiful fabrics and a sweet little pattern. I can't wait to use them on a project! Thanks so much Becky.

More creative spaces abound over here:

PS - A huge thankyou for all of the lovely comments on yesterdays post!


  1. They look so real and you have been so busy. Oh, one of your gorgeous brooches got to lunch with Ray Martin yesterday.. Head over to Handmade Heaven blog to check out the photo's.


  2. 36 does make for a good drying day. Good on you for seeing the half full!

  3. Looks like salad with orange wedges is what you'll be eating today! Cherrie

  4. Ugh... I'm MELTING!!!

    Your petals will have dried by now fo' shizzle!

  5. It looks like a pretty salad. One that would be nice to eat in this weather.

  6. Hope you're staying cool! What pretty fabrics to play with, too!

  7. Looks great and edible. Busy girl you are. Take care and love..xx

  8. Wow! They are amazing! Good luck with weathering the heat... I've had enough of it and want to escape so much! K

  9. Mmmm the petals do look rather salad-like! :)
    Keep cool

  10. pretty little petals drying on a plate, how sweet ;)

  11. That is really great news , huge , big , happy congratulations !

  12. Good time with the drying! they look so pretty too. xo

  13. I thought they looked like salad as well.
    I would like a little of your nice hot weather (just a little) as we move into winter here.

  14. yes - we're all hatches battened and blinds closed here too! ugh!
    That fabric is beautiful!

  15. i thought that was a bunch of food at first :) try to stay cool!

  16. I'll do you a swap .. you can have some of our cold, wind and rain, and I'll have some of your hot sunshine? xx

  17. i just love your brooches =-)

    BTW: i've nominated you for the "Kreativ Blogger Award"! - see the details on my blog later today...

  18. oh, the petals are delightfully cute!

    ah yes, that heat... should I share that down on the Bellarine Peninsula we've had a gentle sea breeze through most of the heat wave even though it's been frightfully hot 25kms away in Geelong?! or maybe I just didn;t notice the heat LOL

  19. 36 c....oh my. I would not be able to cope with that.

  20. Those petals look good enough to eat!


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