
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas..... in pictures


  1. Ooooooooh, I'm dying to know what was in that massive red pressie!!

    And all those shiney new red cons are making me a bit jealous, but I have a sneaking suspision they would nae fit... ;)

  2. That is one big table!! Hope you had a great day :)

  3. That Christmas celebration looks remarkably similar to mine. There were 9 adults and five little boys. Although we didn't have a Santa... hope you had a wonderful day!

  4. lovely table and the children look so happy!

    BTW:I liked the craft meme from the other day; it's a great way to review the triumphs of your year =-)

  5. Those look a bit like your sunglasses ... tell me, do they by any chance have quite a lot of finger prints on them now?!

    Your celebration looked very happy. We only had 5 kids ... and it was kind of rowdy!

  6. looks so great!!!
    and santa the table...
    and those wide eyes from your excited!!!
    love the pics cam...

  7. Now that looked like a full on Christmas filled house for the day!!! Merry Christmas YAY... now to party in the new year... 2000 and Zen... hehe

    xo Steph

  8. Hi Cam,

    Hope you had a great Christmas and that 2010 brings you a whole lot of wonderful adventures!

    Looking forward to catching up some time soon ...

    xxx Juddie

  9. What a lot of wonderful Christmas goodness-hope you are still enjoying the festive season:)

  10. That last pic is so adorable. Looks like the kids has a great time!


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