
Saturday, December 19, 2009

In the tropics

I haven't made a tea towel apron for a very very long time, so it was a nice change when I had the request to make one as a christmas gift.

I'm sure we all wish that we were in Cairns on holiday at the moment.....


  1. Love your teatowel aprons.Mmmm. Cairns is going to be 31 today which might sound OK to a Melbournite but with a 71 % humidity it is way hotter than it sounds. Forster on the other hand is only going to get to 24 degrees but with a 93% humidity. EeeeK!! I don't know where I would rather be. Maybe a shopping centre with airconditioning? Cherrie

  2. I am loving all your christmas crafting, especially the apron. I only like Cairns in the winter but still a holiday somewhere tropical would be lovely!

  3. What a great idea ... and so nice to be able to give someone what they want as a gift.

  4. That looks so great, almost makes me want to wear an apron (which I usually claim is against my principles...)

  5. Love it!
    well done and it looks so very very lovely

  6. I sure my old boss gave me a teatowel just like that. He always used to rub it in that he could go to nice tea towel worthy places on holidays, while we plebs had to slave away while he was gone. Once brought back a souvenir glittery key ring thing, I would have preferd another tea towel...


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