
Friday, December 4, 2009

Trashs Rainbow Swap - part 2

My swap partner received their rainbow swap parcel a little while ago, so I can now do the big reveal.

I decided to take on the rainbow theme by going with a bit of colour overload - I included a pretty pink waist apron, a multicoloured doily brooch, and a very colourful mini tote bag with a couple of goodies inside.

That's the last of the swaps for the year.... now it's time to move on to a handmade Christmas. How many days to go again?


  1. I love the colours ... the white really sets off the bright colours. Are you going to be at the next Northcote Kris Kringle?

  2. Not nearly enough days!!

    Love your swap package, no "rainbow swap" would be complete without something from CurlyPops, the Queen of Colour!

  3. oh, that is soo cute! i am a big fan of anything rainbow. your swap partner must have loooved that package :D

  4. xmas is coming too soon! and then it will be over :/ love all the colour here :)

  5. Nowhere near enough days! And I still have 4 more fairs to go - eeeek!

  6. Lovely swap. From what I can see of it, I love that apron.
    I am now officially scared about christmas, I have so little time at the mo' and the days march on!


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