
Sunday, January 17, 2010

A blogaversary winner

We have a winner - declared that the 108th comment wins the mystery prize.

Number 108 is Abbe from Copper Patch. Congratulations Abbe!

Your mystery prize will be on it's way in a week or so, once I've attempted to work out what you might like tp receive.
Thanks so much to everyone who played along and left me a congratulatory comment.


  1. That's exciting!! Lucky Copper Patch. Have a lovely week, love Posie

  2. Aaaarrrrggghhhhhh!!!!! I knew I should have spent more time blogging while I was at work. I would have known about my awesome win much sooner!!

    I'm so excited :o) WOOHOO!!!!

    Ooops, just woke up the cat when I screamed. Yay. Yay yay yay. Sorry cat.

    Thanks Not-even-remotely-evil CurlyPops.



Thanks for your fabulous comment! Comments make me happy and smiley....
I try to reply so please make sure your email address is enabled in your id and not that silly no-reply comment blogger thingamajiggie!