
Friday, January 15, 2010

It's a Blogaversary!

The very first CurlyPops Banner

It's been two whole gigantic years since I began my day to day bloggy blabber...... and wow, how things have changed!

The first ever photo on CurlyPops Blog

What began as a bit of fun on the computer has completely changed everything in my life - lots of new friends, new work, new creative dreams, new motivation, new life.

When I first sat down in front of the screen and signed up, and started blogging in secret (yep - I didn't tell anyone at all), I could never have dreamed that it would have such a positive effect on my life.

So to celebrate my 2nd bloggaversary, I'm having a giveaway.

After chatting to Nikki and Cathy lastnight, I'm going to totally pinch Cathy's idea, and custom make something to suit the blogger who wins...... it's a bit like a lucky dip - you just never know what it could be!

Anyhow - you've gotta be in it to win it - so just leave me a comment - simple as that.


  1. How exciting! Congratulations on your anniversary! It was lovely to read about how your blog has changed your life, and I bet many other peoples too! Your giveaway sounds fun, I have my fingers crossed xo

  2. Oh how exciting. 2 years of blogging and a mystery prize. Now I'm in it - hope to win it!

  3. congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I can say I knew you from the beginning!!!!!!


  4. I'm in! Happy Blog-versary! Your blog is lots of fun.

  5. Wishing you the BIGGEST CONGRATS I can muster! Well done! Always interesting ! Never boring !
    Happy Boggaversary Cam.X

  6. Congrats on 2 years!
    Here's to many more! :)

  7. Congratulations on your Blogaversary!

  8. Congratualtions on blogging for two's an incredible effort tot keep it going and I always enjoy your posts...looking forward to seeing what 2010 brings you xox

  9. Congratulations on your 2 years of blogging fun!!! I always enjoy your posts and seeing your new work.

  10. Two years, what a milestone, congratulations. I wonder if will still be going after two years??????? I’m glad you are I love popping by and checking out what you are up too.

  11. Well done on making it to two years and with such an interesting and creative blog.

  12. Congratulations Ms Pops - 2 wonderful years at that!

    How amazing that your life has changed so much just by sharing it with others!!!

    Here's to another 2 years my dear, and another 2 after that..

  13. and you've changed lots of other bloggers lives, too! Best thing about blogging is meeting you! Congrats and many more to come!

  14. Congratulations on 2 years! Time flies doesn't it??

  15. Two years- well done you, great effort and a very fun giveaway to celebrate. Thanks!

  16. Congratulations, Cam - you have a lovely blog and make lovely things - thanks for sharing with all of us. Nic xx

  17. Your blog is the first one I read every morning when I come to work. I might not be able to comment every day, but I do love seeing what you get up to. You are one of my main sources of inspiration you know! And you're a top sort as well!

  18. wow Cam, congrats!!
    you have quite a cult following for only 2 years, you are just amazing.
    it's great to know you in the real world aswell as in our blogworlds & looking forward to many more of your blogoversaries.
    i wish I could have come last night...long day..headache arghhh.

  19. Congratulations ! Thanks for giving us 2 years , great stuff .

  20. Curlypops, your blog is wonderful and your giveaway idea is very generous.
    I even call my curly headed grand-niece Curlypops.

  21. Happy 2nd Blogoversary, we're only 1 day apart.
    Cheers to many more years of bloggy bliss!!

  22. Congrats on your two years. Thanks for sharing your life and giving me something to read while I'm bored at work! :D

  23. congratulations on your anniversary. Love reading your blog, and woud love a 'mystery' prize!!

  24. Well done on 2 years of wonderful blogging! Congrats!

  25. Happy Blogsanniversary!! That's exciting & i'm certainly enjoying your posts. Love Posie

  26. Happy blogaversary to you!
    You have done so much in such a short time, go Cam!

  27. Congratulations.
    Wishing you many more blogland adventures well into the future...

  28. Congratulations - I really enjoy reading your blog (and I didn't tell anyone when I started either).
    Have a great weekend.

  29. Wow... happy blogoversary - that's a bit exciting I must say... I also enjoy your blog, all your new adventures and creations... love it.


  30. count me in then & happy bloggaversary! Sounds really great!
    annemolino at hotmail dot com

  31. two years is so long but it goes by so fast. I'm so excited for you!

  32. I've only just found you. Congratualations on TWO years. I wish I'd been there earlier!

  33. happy Bloaversary!!!!!!!!!!1 twi years is a huge acheivement, welldone! xxx

  34. Congratulations and Happy Blogaversary CurlyPops! Isn't blogging fantastic?

    BTW: do you still make those adorable critters featured in the first CurlyPops blog photo??? they are too cute for words=-)!!!

  35. happy 2nd birthday!

    Would love something handmade by you CP!!!


  36. Happy 2nd to you!
    Hey it's 2010 and your 2 again (well, it rhymes in my head anyway!)

  37. Congratulations on your 2nd bloggaversary! I've only just joined the blogging world (tomorrow is my 2 month bloggaversary). Cheers, Christine M

  38. Happy 2nd bloggaversary!!
    I have enjoyed following you immensely and wish you much goodness for the next blogging year. And of course I would definately much love a Curlypops prize!!! I mean, who wouldnt? Cheers!

  39. Congrats!! Well done. I really enjoy your blog so thank you :)

  40. I don't know about this blatant thieving of ideas!!!

    No need to enter me in the comp but I did want to say CONGRATS on 2 years. It's fabulous.

    I didn't realise that we started blogging within weeks of each other. I knew it was close but didn't realise how close.

  41. happy blogiversary!! i recently stumbled across your site, and glad i did!!

  42. Yay...congrats Cam. This is super exciting and it is interesting to see where you began in your blogging life.

  43. Happy blogaversary! Here's to many more ... K

  44. wow congrats on 2 years!
    I enjoy reading your blog so much!
    I too feel blogging has changed my life in so many ways--but it has definately brought an element of fun that was lacking in life!
    Blog on,friend.

  45. Congrats on 2 years of blogging! Can't wait to see what happens in the next 2 years!!

  46. Two years already? Wow, congratulations! It is always good fun to drop by to see what you have been up to.

  47. 2 years! Wow, I'm just a baby in blog years then! lol. Truely Cam you're 1 in a million! Congrats!

  48. Congratulations! I guess i must have been reading you from very early on too! I have always enjoyed reading of your adventures in Craft Land. It is a small world - I was mentioning to a friend recently how much I need a new handbag, and (she knows I like handmade!) she said, I should give you Paul's(her husband) cousin's details - she makes stuff & has a website & everything! She sent me a link & what should pop up? Curlypops! She was pleased to know that I had been reading your blog for ages too! (ps. - I do love your bags, but I was given a voucher to buy one elsewhere! Maybe next time!) Siobhan

  49. Congrats and well done. You have done so much over the 2 years.

    And look at all those comments too! There's lots of people keeping an eye on you.


  50. Congratulations, wow 2 years.
    Thank you

  51. Hi Cam, WOW two years. SO I must have 'meet you' when you were going three months strong. Yes you have been through a lot and grown a humoungst amount. Well done.

  52. Congratulations to you really are SUPER!!!

  53. Congratulations! I am not sure how I found your blog, but its fun and entertaining, and I keep reading. Keep up the awesome work!

  54. Two whole years, well done!

    This is Jennie of Mrs Beckinsale not logged in properly.

  55. Wow - two whole years! You are a legend and I love your blog and really cool creations. Thanks so much!!!

  56. Well done Cam, I'm up for a lucky dip

  57. Happy bloggaversary! this is a fun giveaway!

  58. Elizabeth from the Gold CoastJanuary 15, 2010 at 3:21 PM

    Congratulations - Your Blog brings joy to many so keep up the great Blogging...and....Thank You so much for your effort....

    Please enter me in your giveaway.

  59. WOW 2 years Cam that's fabulous, congratulations!! xxx

  60. Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!

  61. Congratulations on your fabulous 2nd anniversary. Isn't it amazing how a simple activity can change your life. Wow, see you at your 4th anniversary. :-)

  62. Heartfelt congratulations Cam. You are a true blogging stalwart and I can't imagine how you ever DIDN'T blog! I hope you have many more years left in you and they continue to be as rewarding. Love Gina

  63. Well done Cam... I think your blog has definately changed your life! Each day after work I come home and check out what you've been up to, its a great way to keep an eye on my sister! Ha!!!
    And I must say I loved those little monsters too, but I never got one for xmas???...

  64. Happy blogiversary to you! I loved that little glimpse into the Curly Pops archives. Here's to the next two and the next two after that. XX

  65. A big congratulations to you - yes, here is to plenty more.

  66. Congratulations Cam, I love checking in each day to see what gorgeous adventures have been taking place in Curlypops-land :) Thanks for your lovely blog (and your lovely self)

  67. I'm not here to win it just to say congratulations on your blogoversary and thankyou for the positive effect (or is that affect?) you have had on my sewing life too. Cherrie PS Ever wondered where the yellow button on my blog takes one?!!

  68. Congratulations, Cam! Two years is a long time, and you have been very busy. We are almost 'the same age' because my blog's two year anniversary is tomorrow Saturday 16th, and I'm having a giveaway as well.

  69. What an amazing adventure this blog has been for you and for us. Congratulations on seeing us through for two years and here's to many more! Thanks for sharing so much with us, inspiring us in so many ways and commenting on our blogs so we know someone is reading them too! :)

  70. oh my god....75 comments already. You are much loved in the bloggy world Cam, and I totally know why. You're so giving, kind hearted and Uber talented. I'm glad you started blogging, cause without it I would never have met you (:
    And who would pass up the opportunity to have a custom made curlypops item.... choose me...choose me... (;

  71. Congrats!!! Looking forward to reading about what your up to this year :)

  72. Congratulations! Happy Blogday.

    And as I have never won the lottery, thought I would stick my name in your hat, so to speak, and cross my fingers and toes!!

  73. Ooh! Count me in!! Happy second Cam, I'm so very glad you started your blog! You were one of the first to follow me, and I'm so very glad you did because I found you!

  74. Two years - that's an achievment. And as for transforming all aspects of your life, how fantastic - this blogging thing is truly amazing!!

  75. Blogging is amazing, I began in secret too :)

  76. Happy 2nd Blog Birthday!
    I always love reading your posts Cam. You have certainly made lots of new friends over the past two years.

  77. Happy 2ng blogaversary!
    There aren't many surprises in life, please count me in. What a fun giveaway. Susan

  78. Congratulations. Please enter me in your giveaway, what a clever idea. Thanks, Jane.

  79. Hahaha - word verification is 'funiving' and that certainly sums up blogging. It really is a funny thing. It has been a great ride on the CurlyPops express!

  80. WOW! So many comments so far! Congrats on your anniversary :)

  81. Wow! Happy 2nd Blogaversary! Glad that we've had the pleasure of reading your posts all this time. A bright, fun place to visit in blogland. Best wishes, K xx

  82. Congratulations on your second anniversary to your blog! Well done. You are an inspiration to us all.

  83. Wishing you much joy on your ever unfolding journey! I too am a new blogger, and look forward to all I will encounter on my adventure in cyberspace :)

  84. I would just like to wish you a very happy second blogaversary. Thank you for sharing so much.

  85. Love your blog! Happy blogaversary! Thanks for all the fun ideas, and now the fun contest!

  86. congrats on the bloggerversary. I have just started to blog after reading other blogs for the past year.
    Your blog is one of those that inspired me to start my own. thanks and keep up the blogging :)

  87. Congrats on your 2nd blogaversary!

  88. Congratulations on two years of blogging! As I enjoy reading your posts, let's hope you are blogging for many more!

  89. Two years!! Wow, that's a huge milestone! Congratulations, and thanks for being such an encourager and prolific commenter. You help make the bloggy world a lovely place to be :-)

  90. Oh thanks for a chance to win......
    my DH is on his way to Australia right now....44 hours from here to Perth!

    Love your stuff....
    Happy Crafting

  91. Wow! Two years! Happy Anniversary! I know what you mean about what you expected blogging to be and it turning out to be so much more! Thank you for being part of my blogging life!

  92. You go girl! Wonderful crafty things and always a happy place. I love curlypops!

  93. bloghopping from yousewgirl. what a lucky day... give-away! thanks for sharing and happy blogversary.

  94. HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY CAM!! Blogland is a better place because of you and your lovely blog.
    You giveway is genius!! I'm so in, couldn't be more in.

  95. great stuff Cam,so great that it has had such a positive impact on yr life. here's to another 2 years.
    best wishes

  96. Congrats and count me in! I cant recall my bloggaversary but Im sure it wasnt far off from yours! Im off to check.

  97. Congratulations on the bloggaversary. Well done!

  98. Happy blogversary. Two years seems a long time to keep at it. It must mean that you've had an awful lot of fun!

  99. Congratulations! Just back from holidays so missed it on Friday. Hope the next two years of blogging are as good to you as the first two!!

  100. We've been on holidays and absent from the land of Blog. I just wanted to thank you for all you bring to my days and wish you a marvellous blogaversary! Lisa x

  101. Just back from hols too - happy blogversary!!! I always love seeing what you're up to, Cam. And given you blog almost every day, two years is a lot of posts - congratulations!

    Here's to the next two ...

    Liesl x


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