
Tuesday, February 2, 2010


My stall

Borders was a lovely venue for a mini craft market lastnight. I'm happy to report that I stayed well away from the craft book section all evening (you see I have a secret addiction to craft books.... my bookcases are overflowing with them)...

Tinniegirl and Ms L popped in for a visit after work.

Cathie and her hubby and her adorable little kiddies came along too.....

I spent most of the evening drinking coffee, and chatting with the other lovely ladies, and a few customers.


I also managed to do a tiny bit of embroidery stitching as well.


The two hours absolutely flew by..... only four more sleeps until Daylesford!


  1. Time goes quick when you are having fun. Have a great market this week too!

  2. OOh Thanks for the reminder - that came about way too quickly.
    I'll see you there !

  3. Looks like so much fun - love your stall!

  4. nice to see you yesterday Cam, hope you had a good night.
    have fun in Daylesford, so wish I could get out of Melbourne for a day & visit.

  5. Sounds like you had a great time! Good luck with the markets.

  6. Your stall looks so good Cam - and I love your new products... makes me wish I was in Melbourne...

  7. ooh thanks for taking the pics of last night! It was lovely to meet you, and loving my new iphone pouch :)

  8. Looks like a gorgeous market, and what an excellent venue!! I would have spent all my profits for sure!

  9. So glad it went well. Shot are great. Good luck in Daylesford!

  10. In a previous life I lived right near there, pity no longer as I would have liked to check all these goodies out for myself. Btw, I have the same addiction...

  11. The stall from last night looks great. I'm hoping to make it to Daylesford this weekend. I'll drop by and say hi!

  12. I can't drag myself away from Borders at the best of times, I would of been lost for hours with a gorgeous handmade market as well.

  13. What a lovely evening it must have been. Lots of great looking stalls.

  14. Looks fabulous! I'd just love to do a market one day if I can get organised enough to make it down your way. You have inspired me indeed.
    Sophie x

  15. Pretty little stalls, 2 hours, no wonder it zoomed by. Good luck on the weekend, love Posie


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