
Friday, February 26, 2010


Liz tipped me off the other day, about a little shop that I'd never visited....

Trimmings and Remnants is jam packed with all things bright and sparkly - fabrics, sequins, trims, ribbon etc etc etc. If you needed to make a costume for Mardi Gras, then this would definitely be the place to visit!

I just couldn't resist picking up a couple of sparkly remnants, and some sparkly thread to play with. Now... what to make???


  1. Yay! It's sparkly central thats for sure!
    I love their retro laminex counter, and sometimes you can find some treasures like old Czech crystals and vintage findings
    I hope the oppy near by was open and worth looking at too.

  2. Don't laugh, but many years back I made a bikini top and micro mini from that sparkly fabric & wore it to Mardi Gras. Those were the days. x

  3. OH oh razamatazz you're probably too young to remember that stocking ad , lol ! Love your sparkly bits .

  4. Ooooh shiny! Maybe Super Pops needs a new costume??

  5. I think that shiny can be spot from my place already..^-^
    I know you would work out something amazing w them, can't wait to see it.

  6. This is what I love about blogs ... every day someone has posted something that you just have to buy/do/visit. I think I would like this shop very much!!!

    I love your sparkly stuff and the thread - excellent choice of colour combo! I used fabric like that to line a wizard's cape for Argy. I can't resist shiny things!

  7. cam, I hope you're not telling us that you're going to mardi gras! I would never have picked you.....

    love the thread! keira would die for some of that thread!!!!!!


  8. Bling Bling Bling
    I remember the stocking ad.

  9. ooh shiny :D
    hmm a shiny crown or ears would work :D

  10. I love a bit of sparkle. Sounds like a lovely shop and I look forward to seeing what you make. I have some of the thread that you picked up and have used it for some free hand machine embroiderey and serged edging. I seem to remember using the silicone thread lubricant(?) and needing to go slow because it was a little prone to breakage.

  11. You can buy sparkly thread?? That is totally new to me. I wouldn't have a clue what to make with them... other than a sparkly pair of pants with a midriff top with sparkly long sleeves... in Bubbles size hahahaha...

    xo Steph


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