
Sunday, March 28, 2010

A breath of fresh air

I headed down to the country yesterday to check on the progress of my mums reno project.

Mr X and Moo Moo decided to come too, along with one of Mr X's friends.... so there was lots of chattering, and laughing, and talking about silly boy things like farts, all the way there and back!

The boys had a great time checking out the sheep, the cantankerous goats (Crackle and Pop), and the chooks of course.

They were also quite fascinated by the bloke up the tree cutting down the dead branches with a chainsaw.

 Before photo - taken with a camera

After photo - taken with a mobile phone

The re-painting of the entire interior of the house is nearly finished - the kitchen looks so much lighter and brighter than before - even on a such a dreary and rainy afternoon. Now the beautiful old wood burning stove and mantelpiece is a feature against the white walls.

The boys kept me entertained all the way home. We cranked up the dance music (Ministry of Sound) and sang along. Even Moo Moo joined in bopping along in his car seat..... hilarious!


  1. What a great stove, it looks fantastic. The old woodburners are so homely.

  2. Wow it looks like a lovely place ! Nothing like a bit of fart talk to get the kids going !!!

  3. Aw, look at Moo-Moo adoringly looking at his big brother! He's growing up!

  4. What a difference the paint has made. Plese show us the finished kitchen (all in good time). It sounds like the boys kept you very amused.

  5. Goats and fresh air don't usually go together, Cam!! Glad you had a nice day. Lisa x

  6. Ahh, I know all about the fart talk. Problem is that in my house, I usually initiate it :)

    That white lick of paint has done wonders! Hooray.

  7. It sounds like a really fun trip, fart jokes included :)

  8. The paint job has worked wonders. I wonder why we where so in love with polished timber everywhere , years ago.

  9. It must be the thing to talk about farts on a Sunday - I've just blogged about them!!

  10. nothing like boys and farts to keep one entertained. the reno is looking great.


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