
Thursday, March 4, 2010

My creative space

In my creative space today.... a little bit of trial and error and making it up as I go along.

Little Zaney (my nephew) has worked out how to hook his leg over the side of the cot and jump out in the middle of the night, so my sister is going to have to start using a sleeping bag to prevent it.

The sleeping bag that she currently has is made from polar fleece, which is far too hot for the current weather, so I'm whipping one up using some cotton flannel for the outside, and some cotton print fabric for the inside.

I just traced around the existing bag and constructed it in a similar way to making a handbag. The armhole construction didn't work in reality as I'd planned in my head, so there was a little bit of unpicking while sitting on the couch lastnight watching The Real Housewives of NJ that I'd IQ'd.

Now I just need to bind the armholes, and add a zip down the front and I'll be finished.

In hindsight, it would have probably been easier if I'd constructed the front of the sleeping bag in a similar way to a dress bodice, so that I could use snaps instead of a zip.... but oh well, too late now!

Visit Kirsty, the Queen of Creativity to play along.....


  1. Great idea and love the pirate fabric - very cute!

  2. I love that you liken it to a bag... because put simple that's what it is. Trail and error is exactly how life is... happy unpicking...hehe xo Steph

  3. Your sister is going to love it whether it hs snaps or a zip. Little Houdini would probably figure out snaps in a flash anyway!

  4. ...& now you know for next time.

    Good on you Cam for trying new things & just having a crack.

  5. it looks so cool love the fabric! What a lovely sister you are xx With both my girls once they figured out how to get out of their cot there was nothing that was going to stop them!!

  6. I hope it works. If it doesn't, maybe you could tie his legs together?

    We took the side off Liam's cot once he started climbing IN! Noah has done that once and the sides are staying. NO WAY is that kid getting his freedom yet, LOL!

    I love the pirate fabric.

  7. Love baba sleeping bags! They work so well although my little one still manages to speed crawl away from me while in hers!!! Great fabric.

  8. Ahoy Little Zaney, you will be contained safely (and stylishly) now matey!

  9. That's going to be really cute! (Tip: sew a little snap fastened flap over the bit where the zipper pull ends, so the cheeky monkey doesn't start undoing the zip too!).

    You know that your next project is going to be to sew a lid for that cot!!

  10. What a lovely auntie you are!!

  11. ps Cam my pins come from Gigi at I just added the link to the post as I thought others would want to know as well

  12. I was boring and used a pattern when I made these some years ago, I need to try this tracing and sewing gig, it sounds liberating. Great result, and extra cute fabric, ar-harg!

  13. Very clever. And as they can be quite pricey too, Zaney's Mum will love your new found skill even more!

  14. I Love it!!! I wonder if he'll escape from alcatraz now!

  15. Fabulous idea and gorgeous too! My little one has these sheets - her favourites :) K

  16. really clever, and very cute.

  17. Aunty Super Cam to the rescue again! How clever are you making a sleep sack pattern. Even with a bit of unpicking and tweaking, I'm sure it will turn out beautifully. I hope you nephew has MANY sleep filled nights in it!

  18. sleeping bags are great for slowing down their mobilization while supposedly sleeping!!! Good job.

  19. I love that pirate fabric! I love a sleeping bag for a baby, so cozy.

  20. That looks so good! Can you make me one? LOL. My little one is just about too big for his sleeping bag, was thinking of weaning him off of it, but I am the one who needs more coaxing... I can't let go. xo m.

  21. oooh those housewives are great, aren't they?
    I have to say, Atlanta have been my favourite so far - I can't wait for the next season to start (although the NJ reunion next week might be good!)

    Love the pirate fabric!

  22. Love the fabric you've used - and sleeping bags are the way to go. Melli loved hers, she would run around in it looking like a sack-race-olympian!!
    I've been wanting to make one for Maddsion too, but I think it may be a bit advanced for my sewing skills at this stage.

  23. Put the zip in the back! Too late.....

  24. well done, what a good sister. the pirate fabric is ace. if this doesn't work you will need to construct a straightjacket

  25. they look good and lucky little Zaney!

  26. What a great idea! I just love that fabric, so very cute! What a lovely sister you are.
    Sophie x

  27. Looks great. We are sleeping bag fans here - all about keeping the little ones contained.

  28. Brilliant! I've just had to pop my little one in a sleeping bag again now the weather is cooling down. I really should make some for her too.

  29. We had sleeping bags for our two when they were little - BEST THINGS EVER! You've probably already put the zip in but some of ours zipped up from the top (so that the toggle bit of the zip ended up at the bottom) so that little fingers couldn't undo them easily!

  30. Ha ha, like a straight jacket!! My guys were all quick to escape, even twins helping each other drop the side of their cots!! Love Posie

  31. I made one of these in fleece because No. 1 was a blanket kicker. I did not occur for me to use it for No.3 (in the summer) when he became a crib hopper!
    Cute fabric and I think the zipper is probably going be more of a deterent than snaps.

  32. Lovely Auntie making lovely things - you're a sweetheart ;)


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