
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Daylesford Makers Market this Saturday

Are you looking for a crafty fun day out this Easter Weekend?
Then why not come and visit the Daylesford Makers Market - the weather forecast is for a perfect 20 degrees.

New Sunnies / Spec Pouches

There are going to be over 50 stalls chock full of handmade craftiness.

New Hairclips

I'll be selling all of my old favourites...

Plus lots of new things too....

Don't be shy, come and visit and say Hi!


  1. have a wonderful time ... i'll be in ballarat but not until sunday.

  2. Oh wow! You clever thing you! I love the car thingy! And that's coming from the mother of girls who supposedly wouldnt have an appreciation of such things from the boy world.

  3. Hope it goes well Cam.
    I'll be snoozing after night shift tonight so I'll endeavour to make it next time.
    Happy Easter,
    Ab x

  4. I'm beginning to get rightly miffed about how many times I miss out on my favourite market because of kid birthday parties and the like. Sheesh.

    Have a fab time.

  5. How much for the pink specs pouch?
    Must. Have. It.

  6. Oh I so wish I could be there ... maybe one day. I googled daylesford not long ago and it looks awesome. My partner and I then spent time over a coffee dreaming about moving there... but then the coffee was over and reality hit us across the back of the head - jobs :(

  7. Maybe I will catch you at the markets in May and June!
    2 months in Victoria!!
    Good luck with the Daylesford market!!

  8. Oh my goodness! Those hairclips are so sweet. I bet Marie Antoinette would wanted those amongst her accessories.


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