
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Faith Karma Fate?

Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?

I really believe it, but then some days I wonder what on earth I ever did to deserve some of the crappy things that have happened in my life over the last few years.

I was asking myself this very question yet again yesterday arvo / evening.......

At about 10PM, my cat knocked (yes, he seriously knocks) on the front door to come inside, and when I opened the heavy door, I found a package wedged between the screen door and heavy door.  When I'd arrived home earlier in the day, I came inside via the garage so the front door hadn't been opened.

Call it Faith, Karma, Fate, but surely it arrived at the exact right time on the exact right day, just when I needed a little buck up!

Kitty from Kitty's Kaboodle sent me a beautiful set of vintage pillowcases (in pink, oranges and reds of course), with a handmade card, and a handmade Noddy and Big Ears Notepad.  You can't see the text in my photo, but at the bottom of the picture it reads:

Now they are having a perfectly wonderful tea party, and Noddy and Big-Ears are as happy as can be.

So a huge thankyou Kitty, for cheering me up and making me as 'happy as can be'.


  1. Kitty seems to REALLY know your style!! What a sunshiney happy thing to happen, delightful!! I am the same, come in through the garage & have a PO box, so my children are my front door & letter box scouts, or i'd never check & everything would be eaten by snails!! Have a sun shiney happy day, love Posie

  2. that's so lovely Cam and you certainly deserve some spoiling xxx

  3. I'm the same. I believe it all happens for a reason but f*&^ed if I can work out what the reason is some days. I guess the crappy days make us each question our hard times.

    Sorry to hear you're going through one of those times my friend. I hope lots of good karma comes your way to balance things out.

  4. What a lovely, timely surprise. Thanks must go to Kitty and Mr Kitty! Enjoy and buck up xx

  5. That is a lovely treat. I love it when parcels come in the mail in the non-bill variety.

  6. I believe and I find myself asking the same question...

    Lovely surprise and yay for perfect timing....

  7. Sometimes the universe - and thoughtful friends - deliver a smile just when it's needed most.

  8. I hope things are o.k. Nice to get a little surprise package to cheer you up though isn't it?!

  9. You're more than welcome.
    I'm so glad you liked it & it brightened up your day.
    Hope your week sings with happiness.
    Kitty x

  10. What a sweet surprise, I adore those pillowcases. I totally agree that things happen for a reason...

  11. What a great surprise - I think I would be thrilled too :)

  12. It's good Karma coming back to you !

  13. You deserve to be spoilt Cam - the pillow cases are very 'curlypops'!

  14. I do believe things happen for a reason, which is what I keep telling myself when the puppy does something wrong :p

    I hope everything is all right there

    what such nice things to get :D very thoughtful

  15. gorgeous pillow cases! And I think it would be perfectly wonderful to have tea party with Noddy and Big Ears! =)

  16. Sometimes crappy things happen but the Curlypops I know is the strongest person I know! So I always know you will be ok! How nice for a parcel to arrive its funny how nice things happen just when you need a pick me up!
    Even funnier is that Noddy came in handy for once and the notepad is about Noddy! Meant to be! As our brother would say "Chin up Tiger!"...

  17. Our cat knocks, too! Isn't that hilarious? What a great treat!!! Hope your spirits are staying up.

  18. what a wonderful gift to receive in the mail =-) those colors are YOU through and through...

  19. Yes I do believe everything happens for a reason.....just some days that reason is very hard to see!

  20. Gosh I could chew my ear off about this topic for ever. I don't actually believe in karma, in fact I hate the concept... not all the bad things that happen to people are deserved (thank goodness) and not all the good things are either (eg nasty people get away with lots in this life!). But I do believe justice will be served eventually. Meanwhile, absolutely enjoy the good things that come your way and celebrate them, and grieve the crap stuff... you didn't bring it all on yourself Cam. xx


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