
Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Creative Space... or welcome to WIP world

Everything is just slightly chaotic in my creative space this week....

I seem to have lots of projects on the go, all in a similar state of unfinishedness.

The dress, arms, and legs above are for a softie that I'm making for mum for mothers day, on behalf of my little sister. When we visited last week, Sel was teasing that there weren't enough happy snaps of herself dotted around mums new cottage. We were trying to hatch a plan of making some sort of cardboard cutout when Liesl came up with lightbulb moment suggestion of making a softie.

I bought myself some ink-jet printable fabric, and I'm going to print a photo of Sels face to make the head of the softie. I'm hoping that mum thinks it's as hilarious as we do!

I'm also still working on a little DS pouch that I started last weekend. A friends little boy is having a birthday party on Saturday and his main present from his parents is going to be a DS Lite.

I've added some heavy wadding to the inside in case of accidents...

.....and a tab with a D-ring, to attach a little lanyard that I whipped up in the same cute cogs fabric.

I just need to make the inside of the pouch (if I can remember the original dimensions as I didn't write it down as I was working...aaaagghhhhh).

Here's hoping that I get them finished today!

As always, make sure to visit the mighty linky list over at Kirsty's place


  1. Looks like a busy day ahead in your space. Imagine how good it will feel when it is all done!

  2. What a great idea!!! Can't wait to see it finished and your mums reaction

  3. That sounds brilliant! Can't wait to see it!!!

  4. hehe! I love the crack up crafts!

    That little pouch is awesome! I made my Miss 12 one when we got her DS, nowhere near as flash as that one!

  5. The beginnings of the doll look fabulous & very "curlypops".

    The DS pouch is very cool - especially the lanyard attachment.

  6. That personalised softie is the best idea! Loving her dress so far.

  7. oh that dolly is gonna be gorgeous..i just know it!

  8. Curly, the softie notion is a CRACKER! Utterly and completely weirdy mind, but something any mother would LOVE.

  9. Ahaha - that softie idea sounds hilarious! Can't wait to see.

  10. Great idea for the softy! I might have to copy and make a team of them in grandkid form for my Mum.

  11. I am sure the doll will be a big hit!!and the DS pouch looks like it is going to be perfect! x

  12. Oh the softie idea is pretty funny, you totally have to post a photo as I believe only you could pull this off. Your D.S cover is amazing too.

  13. both great ideas, I'm sure they will be well-received. The DS pouch looks fantastic.

  14. the doll idea is gold. love the pouch, the fabric is gorgeous

  15. this is going to be one wonderful doll. I love what I can see of her already xo

  16. That softie is sure to be a hit...Good luck on finishing your tast of the DS is looking like perfection so far :)

  17. loving all the fabrics you chose. Esp. the rainbow colour stripy hands and legs. :) Looking so happy and vibrant!

  18. Tres cute on the softie CurlyPops. I love it.

    The pouch is great too, especially that cog fabric.

    Wish you were crafting with us tonight.

  19. I have been trying to resist that Botcamp fabric! I love the cogs. I am sure the birthday boy will love his new case.

    The printed face sounds really funny. I cant wait to see!

  20. ohh, I have to see that! brilliant.

  21. Ha ha! That's a great idea!! Love the DS pouch too.

  22. I love the idea of the personalised softie, and the dismembered limbs look great. I'm sure your mum will love it.

  23. Such a busy, happy space this week!

  24. Can't wait to see that softie finished! I must be completely out of the loop - whats a DS?

  25. well, if one must have a ds, that is the best thing for one to store it in. Can you tell I am not big on DS's (I could go on about the bloody anti social things but I wont!) Love your softie very funny. Amy Karol has a similar idea in her 'bend the rules with fabric book'- but they are a photo on a hand drawn body, printed onto the fabric and sewn around. You know, have a 'grandma' softie to cuddle cause she lives in the wilds of Scotland kind of thing! looking forward to seeing your finished number. Is Sel the poor second child by any chance?!!

  26. Good luck with finishing it all. Love the softie idea... very funny. Where did you buy the printable fabric from?

  27. love the DS pouch :D I'm going to have to make something similar when i get my DS to try to stop it from breaking (lots of protective padding inside I think lol I fall a lot)

    the softie idea is a great one!

  28. I am sure you are in good company in this MCS group!!! (with all the WIP's) Where do you buy ink-jet printable fabric???

  29. That pouch looks brilliant! Well done. I like the mix of fabric and great finishing touches.

  30. What a fantastic DS pouch - lucky kiddo!

    Now as to the Sel doll ... you two are a complete crack-up!!!! I can't wait to see it finished. You will show us won't you (pretty please!)?

  31. those WIPs build up just way too quickly don't they! love that cog fabric - looks like you had some success locating more 'boy' fabric :)

  32. ooh that softie dress is great - love all the gorgeous trims!!!

  33. That DS case is fabulous and I'm intrigued about the doll

  34. You have some great WIPs there Cam. *Loving* the DS cover. My kids might just have to have something like that... will just add it to "The List", hahaha!

  35. the DS cover looks amazing. you are so clever.

    My Creative Space

  36. I'm so slow. What's a ds and a DS?!! Meanwhile your softie turned out just fabulous, if a weeeee bit freaky with the realistic face. Love your pouches. Missed your presence on thurs night, hope all is well. I went with my neighbour...

  37. That DS pouch is great - well done


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