
Monday, April 19, 2010


I'm late, I'm late.... for a very important date!

After all the busy-ness of last week, I only managed to finish my pin cushion on the weekend, so I'll be on the doorstep of the post office first thing thismorning to send it on its way.

I'm doing the 'big reveal' early, as I'm quite sure that my swapee has absolutely no inkling that I was her swapper.

After stumbling at my first gung-ho attempt at this, I decided to tone down my crazy patchwork with a bit of soothing green. It was still missing a little something.... so some extra random stitching was required to get it over the line. In the end, it's a very super simple, little pin pillow design.

I've packaged up with some little pins and yummy chocolate. I hope my swap partner likes it!

A huge huge thankyou must go out to Kate who put in so much time and effort to organise such a wonderful (and rather gi-normous) swap.


  1. Looks awesome cam. I'm sure it'll be joyfully received!

  2. This is lovely Cam ... I know I'd love it. Mine's leaving my hot little hands today ... so at least not too late!

  3. Oh I love it Cam... Randomness is needed in such a strutched world these days!! yummy organic DARK chocolate.. my favourite!! So jealous...

    xo Steph

  4. Very lovely Cam, I am dying to get mine! stalking the letterbox...

  5. Ditto, i'm posting today & zero link to me or what my partner is sending on her blog, if at all. Love Posie

  6. Super cute Miss Super Pops! I just made it under the finishing line! I was freaking out about it too. I got to on Friday morning and finished and rushed to the post office. Hope your partner loves it too! :)

  7. You are so welcome Cam, its been such fun. I am loving checking out all the pin cushions on all the blogs so much over the last few days. I love the pin cushion you've come up with. It is very Curly Pops indeed. thanks heaps for playing.

  8. it is totally wonderful Cam your partner will LOVE it, and the goodies too

  9. oooh, nice one Cam!
    even though you have toned it down, Ms Curlypops is trying to get through :) that's what makes your creations so very you & very wonderful.

  10. Looks great Cam. Your swappee will love, I'm sure. x

  11. You know a way to a girls heart - pin cushion and chocolate. Your swapee will be most excited. Cushion looks gorgeous by the way.

  12. oooh chocolate :D the pin cushion looks really nice, good idea adding the green and stitching

  13. Look lovely and so does the chocolate! Your swapee will be delighted I'm sure.

  14. Deadline schmeadline, (when there is chocolate involved). Plus it's a lovely pin pillow...

  15. They were all right - I LOVE IT!! It's just perfect. I love the colours, the randomness of the patchwork - it's super special and will be treasured always! Thank you so very much. And yes, I'm munching on the tasty choc as I type - how did you know dark chocolate, pale green and a red/pink combo were my favourite things?! thank you thank you thank you!


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