
Saturday, May 15, 2010

iMoby V2.0

Do you remember little Moby?

I adopted him in January, and he's been happily living with his friends in the bookcase ever since (he really likes reading craft books I hear).

Lately he's been receiving a bit of attention from a little visitor who seems to have fallen in love with him.....

I couldn't bear (pardon the pun) to give him away, so instead, I asked Jess if I could possibly order Moby a twin brother.

So this is iMoby V2.0....

He arrived in a gorgeous little box (notice the postie even stuck the postage stickers right over to the side so that they didn't interfere with the lovely packaging), and with a batch of super cute bear stickers and my favourite type of chocolate (peppermint).

Now that he's had a bit of a stopover at my place, I'd better deliver him to his new home fairly soon.... or he might just have to stay!


  1. I was thinking he looks really happy with his brother - how could you bear to part them? Cherrie

  2. SOOO CUTE!I am glad you are a little better XX

  3. Oh you have to let him stay Cam...they are in love!!!

    Good work traking down your own new medicine - you are on it!

  4. How cute do they look standing together??? Ace.

  5. Very cute! I hope they are good tonic too, while you wait for the chemical kind to arrive.

  6. COR Thanks Cam! hehe they do look happy together, I think they love being with YOU!! So glad you are feeling a bit better. xo

  7. Sure are cute little bears. Sometimes it is hard to send the little ones out into the big wide world. Love the packaging too.

  8. They look very cute together. You'll have to bring Moby along for visits every so often. Now.... if only I could get my hands on some mint chocolate... look what you've done! xo m.


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