
Friday, May 28, 2010

More Mini

After making the little pinny dress for Gypsy's charity drive, I thought it might be fun to actually follow the pattern properly to see how it turns out.

With the other one, I used view A which had a square neckline at the front (and I made it in size 4), so for this one, I decided to go with view B which has a round neckline and pockets (and I made a Size 2).

It's amazing how much more fiddly the armholes are on a Size 2!

I couldn't resist adding a bit of vintage ric rac trim from the huge stash that I received last week.

I'll be adding this one to the birthday / christmas pressie stash for later in the year.... I thinking ahead for once in my life!


  1. That is so lovely!! And the ric rac really tops it iff! Good for you being all organised for Chrissie. Hope you have a super weekend :)

  2. It's great, the pocket fabric is perfect and you can never go past a good ric rac!

  3. So cute Cam! I love that vintage ric rac, it looks so nice!

  4. Oh, cute! Love the ric rac. Oh, meant to say, if you need any help using up the bias binding, you know where I am!

  5. Oh I just love your dresses! Both of them are stunning and the fabric choice just wonderful. If only that style looked good on me, sigh.

  6. nice Cam!!
    do you think the twins will model it for you :)

  7. You're a good girl Miss CP!!

  8. That vintage ric-rac is fantastic Cam, the whole thing is. You are such a talent.

  9. I love that material - so happy. What a lovely little dress.

  10. Just gorgeous! Love the fabric and the ric rac!

  11. It's adorable, love the fabric and the ric-rac.

  12. So very cute! And the ric rac is perfect.

  13. Fabulous...Love the pockets & ric-rac...a Nice Touch.

  14. That's the cutest little dress. Lovely!

  15. Get you being all organised! I've thought about presents - does that count??

  16. so cute!! i just love ric rac!
    I've been making reversible pinnies too - aren't these teeny pretty things so much fun? =)

  17. Absolutely beautiful, both this one and the last one.

  18. Cute!! That trim is awesome, too. :p

    I have a pressie stash, too...the thing with having no little ones around anymore, you have no reason to be sewing the cute things much, so you make them for no reason, and stash them. :p


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