
Saturday, May 8, 2010

The one where I show off my loot

Fabric from Kelani, Tea Towel by Yardage Design, Fabric from Ink and Spindle

Shower Cap Kit by Pippijoe and Hoppo Bumpo

Craft Happy Hour Prize

Hmmm anyone might think that I have a bit of a penchant for red!


  1. Lovely items - well worth it I'm sure. I managed to be good during my visit but did pick up am embroidery design from Kristen Doran which I am dying to start.

  2. Ah! What a lot of goodies... and I can't believe you won craft happy hour prizes... who did you have to bribe....?! ;)

  3. Nice choices! It was so hard to decide on anything. Looking at my pile I seem to have a penchant for teal!

    Happy making!

  4. Mmmm....I too have a red thing going on and I love all your beautiful purchases. Like the Kristen Doran fabric, but don't remember seeing that there?

    Maybe it was a 'special' stash for 'special' people?

  5. It was lovely meeting you, Jodie's stall was a great place to stand and chat and laugh and meet people

  6. Lovely haul - and all in your favourite colours too! I really need to make sure I get across Bass Strait for this next year.

  7. What a lovely haul you have there. I am very jealous!

  8. That's because red is ace!
    Well done with the loot - very nice.
    I'm so jealous - was supposed to go today but I am a bit under the weather.... not sure if I will make it tomorrow but still hoping.

  9. Score, love the Yardage Design & anything PippiJoe is a dream, you had a ball, love Posie

  10. I didn't buy the Yardage tea towel. I'm not sure I'm proud of resisting.

  11. oooh, I see pears on that Kristen print, hmm, is that the cuckoo clock I spy with the cool donkeys- what are your plans for it?
    Thanks Cam, for sharing the loot so we can live the show vicariously through you!
    My year without sex- has that got anything to do with craft and good grief- what is that mask you won- put it on and take a photo for us!

  12. Great loot.
    From a fellow lover of all things red!!

  13. Oh how I miss living in the city and going to the shows. But my bank balance doesn't. I will make it back one day when the kids are a bit bigger.

  14. Even the DVD cover correlates with you colour scheme! (tell me if it's worth watching)
    I think you bought well so it's all justified :o)

  15. Great choices. The crafters in the incubator were definitely the highlight of the show.

  16. Beautiful things!!I love red,too!!


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