
Friday, June 4, 2010

Big Trouble in Little CurlyPops Land

So I merrily headed off to work yesterday morning, and then onto dinner at Chair 14 before the Northern Craft Bonanza lastnight.....

I arrived home quite late, to be greeted at the front door by Houdini Dog (who should have been safely locked in the backyard).

It seems that the glass sliding door had been left slightly open, so he managed to get his paws in, and open it up enough to get inside while simultaneously ruining my curtains in the process.

Someone is in BIG BIG BIG HUGE trouble today!


  1. OMG - I remember the day my 2 border collies (pups at the time) managed to get into a room they weren't supposed to be in while I was at work. They ate several plants, books, pairs of shoes. They never did it again, for which I count my blessings.

    Take a deep breath ... Houdini dog really doesn't understand what he did wrong - and I'm 100% sure you can think of a crafty way to cover up the bottoms of those curtains and make it look like it is a design feature. If anyone can, you can Cam!

  2. uh oh. Its amazing how much trouble they can get up to when no one is around...mine chewed through the laundry door...apparently a self-installed doggy door :-\

  3. Oh dear. I hope the curtains are fixable - maybe some trim on the bottom section? I bet Houdini dog is on his best behaviour today.

  4. Oh no! Baughty Houdini Dog. I think you need to applique something over those holes!

  5. I agree, big trouble! Applique over the hols or use the curtains to make something else maybe.

  6. Bad dog! He would have been so happy to see you home, too! And typicaql blogger- get the camera out first! heehee

  7. Bad, bad Houdini dog! May I suggest a new Rip-stop nylon border over the bottom of the curtain?

  8. Oops! At least he was there to greet you...that's nice to come home to.

  9. Hmmmm - you went to work merrily!! Anyway, maybe a nice border of fabric along the bottom will do the trick. Nic

  10. Uh-oh....and I'll bet when he met you at the door his tail was wagging and he was grinning from ear-to-ear with pride at getting himself inside!!! (just so that you didn't have to go out the back to find him - he was doing it for you!) :)

    I have been here... my dog - a much bigger dog - has destroyed the laundry, got inside and eaten my make-up and ground it into the carpet, cleared the kitchen bench - of food and dishes, eaten my sunglasses, chewed every pot-plant in sight, stripped the capsicum and chilli plants... and I still LOVE her!! LOL!

  11. Oh dear! Naughty doggie! Although, those curtains do look a little bit plain Cam, maybe 'Houdini Dog' is really 'Designing Dog' and was trying to suggest a lovely border along the bottom?

  12. ohhhh ohhhh, naughty, naughty dog!

  13. Embroidering soemthing could look nice too.-falling scattered leaves or flowers perhaps?

    Naughty dog!! I have similar issues periodically but it is children :)


  14. oh gosh.... hope you come up with a great solution (I'm storing away the ideas from your commenters for future reference - sure I'll need them some day!!)

  15. Oh no! They look like nice curtains too.

  16. Lay low Houdini dog. Or offer foot warming (for forgiveness) services.

  17. Uh oh, hope you can fix the curtains. At least he was inside and not roaming the streets. Good luck!

  18. That's the worst!! Of course you're the best person for a fix up job, but still not cool or fun. I'm sure you find the bright side somehow. xo m.

  19. Oh Crap... mind you it could have been a big poo in the corner on carpet... ewe!!

    xo Steph

  20. I'm glad I'm not Houdini dog right now!!!

    I reckon I can see a bit of Curlypops trim across the bottom, there.....

  21. oops could have been worse....could have eaten the curtains ;p

  22. oh, dear! sorry to hear about the ruined curtains, but as Stephanie and Carlos point out, it could have been worse and I know because it happened to me once!! Some puppies are too smart for their own good it seems... ;)

    BTW: WOW! to the facelift!

  23. Never underestimate the power of a dog when he/she wants to get somewhere! We flew our staffy home to visit family in Tasmania, only to have him chew the wooden doorstep away because he would rather like to come into the house please.

  24. Look at the bright you get to GO SHOPPING for new curtain material! :P

  25. Try telling 'Houdini Dog' that if he tries that again it will be chains and a solid wooden trunk for his next trick!!!
    Poor curtains...I'm sure you will find a way to style them up a notch!

  26. Grrrrr!!! What a naughty doggy. But I guess that's why he is called Houdini. Maybe now is the time to use up more of those teatowels and make a new edging for your curtains ;)) By the way, dogs hate the tast of lemon essence so a few bottles of this (cheap is fine) might help protect special goodies. Cherrie

  27. YIKES! 10 points for cleverness, minus 25 for destruction. :(

  28. OOoow! Not what you want to come home to is it! Naughty dog!

    My guess in the next post is for the numbers 12, 15, 18 and possibly trying to mend said curtains.



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