
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Deja Vu

Frustratingly, I seem to have ended up in the exact same place that I left two weeks ago.

Suprisingly (or maybe freakishly), I'm in the exact same room with the exact same view.

This time I thought ahead, and bought my mini laptop and wireless USB modem with me so I can amuse myself for hours on end reading lots of crafty blogs - that's a little hint crafty girls.... I need lots of blog posts to read so get blogging (pretty please)! 

I also bought a few crafty projects to work on, knitting, sewing, embroidery.... I've already completed a little bit of knitting while I was waiting... waiting.... waiting.

Now I'm off to catch up on the 123 posts in my google reader!


  1. oh no that's terrible, I hope you aren't too sick and are able to leave soon.

  2. Hope you're okay, so glad you've got your mini with you!xx

  3. hope they spring you soon! Tonight is cooking on my blog--crafts to come :)

  4. Very glad to see that you are learning from your past mistakes. Personally, I have found that to decrease the time spoent in outpatients one must bring food, drink, a nice warm jacket and a lovely book to read. I don't think hospital authorities approve of that sort of preparedness. It makes them feel small so they rush you through quick . lol. Still waiting to see what happens with your last hospital project. All the best. Cherrie
    Ps Are they paying you with TimTams to advertise their prime views?!!

  5. It sounds like you're well-equipped, but let's hope the stay is short and sweet. Let me know if you want to borrow any craft books from my library, or if there's anything else I can do to make the time pass more easily for you.

  6. Oh sorry to hear you are back with that vie again Cam. I hope you are not being treated like a lab rat by students.
    Get well soon.

  7. Nooo. Not good at all but glad that you have access to blogging goodness. Hope all is well.

  8. Well at least everyone can take comfort in the fact that I won't have to hijack your blog this time!

    Get well very, very soon Cam. You know there's an important calendar date looming.

  9. Oh no Cam! I hope you don't have to stay too long. :( Get well soon!!!

  10. Bummer - hope you're out soon, but at least you can immerse yourself in some bloggy reading. Thinking of you. Nic

  11. Oh no Cam that sucks!
    I hope its a short and sweet stay this time and that you are back home before you know it. X

  12. I'm sorry. They could at least have given you a different view. Here's hoping your back in your own home quick sticks.

  13. This girl posts often multiple times a day and she's hilarious!
    That's bound to bring a smile to your day.
    Get well soon!

  14. Oh Cam- poor you!! Sending hugs and kisses I wil do a blog post just for you tonight. xxx

  15. How shitty for you. It's just that time of year isn't it. I only just narrowly avoided the place myself this last week, so thinking of you, and sending you all the healthy vibes I possibly can.


  16. Major bummer Cam. So glad you have the essentials though! :)

    Did you catch my crochet crimes post today? Surely the only way left is up for my crafting mojo after that little effort??

  17. Even though you are more prepeared it still sucks that you have to be there at all...

    I'll try and do something blog-fun for you to read....

  18. That's not so good!... I hope it's a short stay :)

  19. Nooooooooo! That's no good at all. I hope the stay is short and sweet (and by sweet I do mean chocolatey).

    I'm with Tinniegirl ... you have to hurry up and get well my dear!

    Liesl xxx

  20. I hope it's just a quick and positive visit , all the best .

  21. Oh no Cam I hope everything is ok and you are back home soon

  22. I hope you keep feeling well enough to enjoy reading blog posts and doing your crafty projects. Please get well soon.

  23. 3:06. De ja vu! A rhyme!

    Hope you feel better. Hope you can get a laugh from this! Make sure the oxygen is nearby though!

  24. Oh crap! Hope it's a short stay and as you say at least you are better prepared this time.

  25. I hope you are let free soon, happy & well to boot!
    Keep busy and maybe the time will fly.

  26. Should we stage an intervention? Or just send chocolate?

  27. I ended up in the same room twice during my labour; I was there overnight then decided to go home. I arrived again by ambulance a few hours later – into the exact same room! At least you will know your way around!! Did you stash any chocolate at the back of the cupboard when you were there last????

  28. :( hopefully you are out sooner this time and having the laptop will help (and you could always chuck it at someone to knock them out and then make your escape :p)

  29. Oh no, Cam. Praying and sending you lots of healing white light from my corner of the world. I just did a blog post this morning.

  30. I had a sinking feeling when I saw that hospital window view......
    I hope that you are getting the royal treatment and first dibs at any of the yummy(?) food, powerful meds and good-looking (but also incredibly smart and experienced) staff.

    Jen in Melbourne

  31. Oh no! What a bummer. I hope you have lovely nurses and hunky doctors. I will have to go post now so you have something to

  32. Not again...! I love that you stay so upbeat, that positive energy of yours combined with some creative craftiness will get you back home quick smart!

  33. You seem to have the worst luck, Cam. Hope you're not there for too long.

  34. Thinking of you brave Cam, try and relax and enjoy the forced rest!!

  35. I'm sending you get well vibes and hope that this time it's a short visit.
    Big cyber hugs Cam.....

    and in the meantime, this post may give you something to giggle about for a few seconds at least.

  36. I hope you are on the mend and can go home soon. Glad you have your laptop to pass the time away, hope it goes quickly.

  37. OH NO Cam, crap! Hope you feel better soon, and your stay in a quick one xo

  38. That really sucks, Cam! I hope you get better really quickly, and you discover lots of interesting new blogs. Do you read Yarn Harlot? She's rather amusing, and 1000 Awesome Things is another one that is quite entertaining. xx

  39. Hey Cam,sorry to hear your news, but glad you are well prepared! Do you have tv? There is a great show on ABC now about Paris, might be a nice distraction xo

  40. Oh no! Let's hope you are back home soon. At least you will be able to entertain yourself this time. Take care.

  41. I have been sitting in a similar place for 6 days now, with my dad. I hope you feel better soon, X

  42. oh no Cam so sorry to hear you are back in there, but I am so happy you have your laptop and crafty projects with you, hope you are home soon xx

  43. Oh Cam, that is rotten luck. I hope at least the food is good! (I got very excited about hospital food when I had the chillun because it meant I didn't have to cook. I know, how pathetic!)

    Anyway. Hope you're not feeling too crook and that they let you out soon.


  44. Oh dear, I do hope you are feeling better soon! You realise you have to be home in 9 more sleeps? If all else fails, give me a call in a week and I'll rally the girls for 'Operation: Cam's Great Escape'
    Feel better soon xx

  45. Sorry you're back in, Cam---hope you're out of there soon (and that you get lots of good crafty inspiration from those 123 google reader posts!

  46. Not fair :-(
    maybe you can whip up some curtains for 'your' room while you're there.
    Get better soon!

  47. Good thoughts your way. when i was stuck in the hosp with my baby I nearly went mad! Hope you get some inspiration on the blogs!

  48. Please take care of yourself Ms Pops and I hope you are free again soon!

  49. aww no what rotten luck. Hope you feel loads better soon... xx

  50. Oh no!!! ...and I only found out that you'd broken free this morning and now you're already back. That is awful. Hope you'll be feeling real better real soon. Take care.

  51. Sorry to see you are back in that dull room again. It really could do with a Curly Pops makeover. But on the serious side, I hope you are on the way home again really soon. :)


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