
Monday, June 14, 2010

Knock Knock

A room with a view


I was expecting to see dustbunnies, cobwebs and tumbleweeds, but it seems that my little space in blogdom was hijacked while I was away sunning myself on a desert island (or maybe it was just the temperature of the central heating that was making me dream that I was in the desert).

I had quite a few false alarms regarding my exit date - I was supposed to come home last Thursday, then last Friday,  but I finally made it home late thisafternoon.

Anyhow, those IV Pina Colada's did just the trick. I feel much more refreshed and ready for action again (well, apart from being completely unfit after being confined for ten loooooong days). I've never ever been stuck in there for that long before.

I've managed to come home with at least three self inflicted needlestick injuries. Note to Self: embroidery is a very dangerous pastime when you constantly have the ventolin wobbles.

I did something useful, and managed to put in a little bit of community service time while I was stuck, by playing test patient for all of the trainee specialists and doctors, med students, and physios. It's always a bit of a novelty for them to have a younger patient to learn with. With any luck, the experience might teach them to think outside the square for any future patients with 'interesting and unusual' conditions!

The granny rug I didn't buy

On a more serious note, I need to give a huge thankyou to Tinniegirl for keeping the blog up-to-date (and making me laugh a whole lot in the process). I was waiting with baited breath every day to find out just what she was getting up to next. I was quite amazed as to just how much info she managed to glean from Frances. Frances has never been very chatty with me (I thought it was her European reservedness), so I was quite suprised. Thankyou Tinniegirl - you're the best craft partner in crime a CurlyPops could ever wish for!

I also want to thank everyone who texted, sent me an email, or left a message on the blog. Sorry that I couldn't reply to everyone, but I only had my mobile phone with me, so they would have needed to amputate my texting thumb before I'd left if I'd tried to reply to all.

The granny rug I did buy

And finally, a huge thanks to my big sister Rach who managed to keep my vacant house safe and clean, looked after Houdini dog and Bastard Cat, kept me in clean clothes (and more importantly clean undies), brought me my mail, brought me in Thai Takeaway and Chocolate Cupcakes when the hospital food was getting to be too much, brought in X-rays from home at short notice, and kept the chocolate stash full! Phew! She'd even made me dinner and left it in the fridge so I didn't need to cook tonight. Thanks Rach, I couldn't have managed without you.


  1. Great to have you back in blogland, and to know that all is well.

  2. Hoping you are now well enough to live like us ordinary folks who can't afford a plethora of servant and medical personnel. Cherrie

  3. Welcome back (and lovely granny rug too)

  4. So glad you've made it back safely and hopefully better off for your "holiday".

  5. Glad to see you home again - it sounds like you have been so well looked after!xxx

  6. That's great that you're back again - welcome home! I hope the district nurse will be over tomorrow with more of those Pina Coladas.

    L xx

  7. Good to have you back. Do take it easy tho. Love the granny rug!

  8. Lots of excited little boys here that you are home!
    No thanks necessary, the animals behaved nicely. I am sure Mr T is missing his little friend.
    Relax and enjoy!

    Big sister xx

  9. Excellent to hear all is good with you, good to have Ms Curlypops back!

  10. Great to see you back in the saddle, Cam! It must be fantastic to be home, with the cat & dog and surrounded by all that is you!
    Take care honey, xo

  11. So nice to have you back Cam and glad to hear you are feeling better

  12. Welcome home, excellent lady. Glad to hear you're feeling much better but can't resist the 'nagging Mum' temptation to remind you to take things sloooooowly. Got it? If Houdini Dog tries for the curtains again, he'll have me to answer to. 'kay?

  13. Great to have you back, Cam! I'm glad you're well enough to be home. xx

  14. Welcome home Curlypops! Hope you're back on track and ready to take on the world.

    Tough action just so you don't have to cook dinner and tend to the weeds though.....

  15. All the best for a speedy recovery & bouncing back soon, love Posie

  16. Glad you're safely home, welcome back!

  17. great you are back Cam, now can you pleeeeeease take it easy!!!
    hope to see you soon ♥

  18. Glad you're back - and I bet the dog and cat and Frances are too! Look after yourself. Nic

  19. Welcome back :) Hope you are feeling in tip toppity condition soon!

  20. So happy to see you back dear lady, feel better... please, thank you. ;)

  21. Cam I am so sorry to read you have been in hospital!! I have been away, in Melbourne funnily enough and am just starting to catch up on blogs and have read through Cathy's posts, I am so glad you are home and hope you stay well love and hugs xxxx

  22. So hope you are feeling better Cam! Its horrible to have to go in there for so long. Send you some love xx

  23. So happy you are back and feeling better Cam love
    Jess xo

  24. Welcome back ... it's nice to know you're safe and well. See you next week.

  25. Welcome back, Ms CurlyPops! So good they didn't keep you in longer. I can see why you chose the second granny rug!

  26. So glad you're back home again Cam. Those 10 days of I.V's should have you raring to go!


  27. Glad to have you back CP. I missed you round these parts.


  28. WELCOME HOME, Ms Cam CurlyPops. Hope you are 'all good'

  29. Welcome home!

    And I need a big sister like Rach! Except, I'm the big sister and just have smelly little brother. Oh well - lucky you is all I can say.

    (PS Word verification is FIXAM - and I hope they have fixed you, for now at least!)

  30. Lovely to hear you are out of the hospital Cam, I really thought you had gone on some wonderful holiday...I must be a bit slow!
    It sounds like everyone looked after you (and your blog) very well!!! Take it easy, I am wishing you a quick recovery! Michele x

  31. Glad to hear you are feeling better Curly. Sounds like you really have wonderful friends and family to look after you.

  32. Glad to hear you're home and feeling more the thing. And good on you for helping all those new doctors.

  33. So glad you are home safe and sound. xxx

  34. Good to have you back, Glad you are feeling refreshed !

  35. glad to hear that you are home and hopefully feeling much better. I had a feeling your 'holiday' might have involved needles. I had been missing from blog land for the past 2 weeks so missed that you were missing till the other day.
    good you are back :)

  36. Welcome back!!
    Love those hexie blankets!

  37. SuperPops, hope you are feeling warm and strong and happy and healthy. We're all cheering for you. x

  38. Oh so good to have you back, just as it must be nice for you to be back in your own domain. Take care. xx

  39. there's no place like home. Glad you're back.
    Jay xx

  40. Welcome home, Cam! I hope things are on the up and up... good to see you back! xx

  41. Welcome back to bloggy-land Cam :)
    What a great friend is Ms Tinnie - and that big sister of yours sounds just fantastic. I hope my girls grow into sisters who care so much for each other!

  42. It's great to have you back. I do hope you are OK.

  43. Welcome home, I hope your little holiday has meant you feel a bit healthier. And did you teach the doctors important stuff like how to crotchet??

  44. Bit behind with my reading... hope you're feeling much better - onwards and upwards :)
    Take care.


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